Original Covid Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized For Use, Per The FDA
Recent news shows that the original coronavirus vaccines are no longer approved for use.

When the coronavirus pandemic was declared by authorities in early 2020, people were unsure about how the next few months would look. The country was locked down and we were told that it would only take 15 days to slow the spread. Those 15 days turned into years of mask mandates, shutting down small businesses (while Target and Walmart stayed open, of course), and even vaccine passports in many cities across the US. Then the Covid vaccine was released in August 2021. We were told that the only way for the country to open back up was for everyone to get the vaccine, regardless of whether they needed it or wanted to get it. However, many of us were skeptical of an experimental vaccine that was rushed out onto the market and didn't have any longterm testing under its belt. It turns out we had every reason to be suspicious all along.
Original Covid Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized for Use, Proving Us Right All Along
The FDA has announced that the original coronavirus monovalent vaccines (which is a vaccine with one strain of the virus) are no longer authorized for use. Instead, they recommend the bivalent vaccine, which has the original Covid strain along with omicron BA.4 and BA.5 strains. According to an announcement released by the FDA, the safety and effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine is "based on the FDA’s previous analyses of clinical trials data of monovalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in individuals 6 months of age and older, an investigational bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (original and omicron BA.1) in individuals greater than 55 years of age, as well as safety data with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent (original and omicron BA.4/BA.5) in individuals 6 months of age and older and immune response data in individuals 6 months through 4 years of age."
The FDA is recommending that all individuals who got the monovalent vaccine get another dose of the bivalent vaccine, but most people who have had a dose of the bivalent vaccine don't need another shot. However, it's recommended for adults 65 and older to receive an additional bivalent shot at least four months after their first one, and immunocompromised individuals are told to get a second dose at least two months after their first.
There is no mention of the original vaccine being dangerous or harmful to patients, but there are many people who suspect that the original vaccines are no longer authorized for use because of all the side effects that came from them. Evie was the first women's media company to highlight the menstrual issues that could arise from the coronavirus vaccine, and we were called conspiracy theorists who were complete hacks. But as time went on, it became clear (through both women's experiences and clinical research) that the vaccine did in fact alter women's menstrual cycles and perhaps even affects fertility. The vaccine has also been linked to myocarditis, heart attack, blood clots, and more.
Even though the FDA doesn't claim that the original vaccine is no longer authorized for use because of negative side effects, many people can't help but point out that the shot has resulted in so much damage (and even death), so it's not hard to believe that the original shot (which was put on the market in record time) could be taken off the shelves because of the harm it causes.