Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Is A Thing Now, And It Sounds Suspiciously Similar To SIDS
It seems these days you can’t escape reports of healthy people falling prey to Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, baldness, blood clots, stroke, decreased male fertility, erectile dysfunction, menstrual cycle disruption, myocarditis, pericarditis, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, and heart attacks.

Now it seems there’s one more health issue to worry about – SADS, or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Could this new syndrome give us insight into a different syndrome that has struck terror in the hearts of American parents for decades?
SIDS and SADS – one syndrome has sunk its teeth of fear so deep into the American parent’s psyche that it has forever changed sleep culture within the U.S. The other, most of us weren’t even aware of until a month ago.
As it turns out, however, SADS isn’t actually new, it just feels that way. The CDC has been aware of SADS since the 1980s. Recently though, organizations like Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and FIFA are urging everyone who will listen to get their hearts screened by a cardiologist, yet in the same breath, they also claim to have not noticed an uptick in SADS cases. Despite this mixed messaging, however, Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute has announced its intention to institute Australia's first SADS registry as soon as possible. So, what even is SADS? What is SIDS? Are they related? And if so, how can these two syndromes help the other’s cause?
What Is SADS?
According to the SADS Foundation, “Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) are genetic heart conditions that can cause sudden death in young, apparently healthy, people.” Medically, the condition is also referred to as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Conditions that fall under the SADS umbrella include: Acquired LQTS, Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C), Brugada Syndrome, Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT), Long QT Syndrome (LQTS), Short QT Syndrome (SQTS), Timothy Syndrome, and Wolff Parkinson White (WPW). It primarily affects males, and many times there are no symptoms prior to death. Additionally, it’s estimated that “10-12% of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cases are due to Long QT Syndrome.”
So why is this important? Well, because contrary to what many sources will tell you, adults have been dying at alarmingly higher rates than usual lately.
Let’s Talk about Sports
The year 2021 was a record-setting year for soccer players globally, as a total of 21 players died on or near the soccer field. This was the highest number of deaths reported by the media since the list began in 1889. The fact that such a disproportionate number of players died of an unknown cause or in a cardiac-related death is unprecedented as it’s a 61% increase from the previous peak in 2016 when 13 players died.
This number is especially startling considering the fact that a mandatory pre-competition medical assessment, instituted by FIFA, has been in effect since 2006. It’s a thorough exam that “includ[es] an electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram, if needed, with the aim of detecting serious genetic and acquired abnormal cardiac conditions. The PCMA medical examination involves obtaining a footballer’s personal and family medical history as well as conducting a physical medical examination and an ECG.” Obviously, something happened in 2021 that this screening was not able to detect.
While Covid vaccination is not mandatory to compete under FIFA, heavy strictures are imposed upon unvaccinated players by the organization as well as individual leagues and clubs. Due to this controversial manipulation, leagues boast a 77-98% Covid vaccination rate. While we don’t know the vaccination status of every deceased player, reasonable conclusions may be drawn.
21 professional soccer players died in 2021 on or near the field, the highest number ever recorded.
I don’t know why officials would ignore or deny statistics the likes of which have not been seen in 132 years, but I do know that honest people don’t hide from the truth. This is a matter that clearly deserves investigation and hopefully the living athletes who are able to testify for themselves continue to come forward to discuss their near-death experiences and career-ending Covid vaccine injuries. One such is Santo Giuliano, a professional dancer from Italy who suffered a heart attack just five days after receiving the Covid vaccine. He describes the events leading up to his heart attack on Instagram and recounts the conversations with his doctors where they told him his attack was due to vaccine-induced myocarditis and to not receive the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
World-class cyclist from Belgium Greg Luyssen says he started experiencing bouts of fever after his second dose of the Covid vaccine and was taken to the hospital during a race for severe chest pressure. After tests, he was diagnosed with heart failure. His heart now only works at 75% of its normal capacity, a condition that has left him with chronic headaches and difficulty in climbing stairs. He believes his career may be over.
Other cyclists, including former Olympic champion Greg Van Avermaet, claim the vaccine has severely limited their capacity to perform at the level they are accustomed to.
NBA player Brandon Goodwin claims the Covid vaccine ended his season in an address to his Twitch fans, stating that he “was fine up until [he] took the vaccine.” He recounted how after receiving the jab, he became chronically tired and his back started to hurt. The increasing levels of pain forced him to seek medical help. That’s when the doctors discovered that blood clots were the cause of his worsening pain and fatigue.
Your Achy Breaky Heart and Why It Matters
Myocarditis is when the muscle of the heart becomes inflamed. Johns Hopkins Medicine says this inflammation happens “when your body’s immune system responds to…viral infections or more systemic inflammatory conditions such as autoimmune disorders.” They go on to say that “in severe cases of myocarditis, the heart muscle weakens and cannot pump blood effectively to other parts of [the] body… Where heart rhythm disorders occur, your doctor may implant a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). If the heart function does not improve and continues to cause severe heart failure, you may be evaluated for a heart transplant.”
Myocarditis is a known possible side effect of the Covid vaccine. This particular symptom more commonly affects young males than females, with its incident rate increasing as the patient's age decreases.
This gives us a more than probable link between Covid vaccination and SADS. This idea is further corroborated when we take into account what the Myocarditis Foundation itself has to say in regards to athletes: “Strenuous physical activity can further increase inflammatory response causing further damage to the heart. Scarring in the heart can affect the heart’s conduction tissue, and can cause arrhythmias and other heart complications, including dilated cardiomyopathy…This puts athletes and young people at very high risk, making myocarditis the third leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults.”
What Is SIDS?
According to the Mayo Clinic, “Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old...Although the cause is unknown, it appears that SIDS might be associated with defects in the portion of an infant's brain that controls breathing and arousal from sleep.” It’s a syndrome that affects male babies more so than females and also carries a possible genetic link. Many non-genetic factors have also been identified, however.
Up until several months ago, parents and doctors could only speculate as to the overall cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This is because of the limited health data available from infants so young. Just last month though, a new study discovered infants who died of SIDS had low butyrylcholinesterase levels. This finding is important because butyrylcholinesterase is an enzyme that helps regulate the autonomic nervous system. This finding, if corroborated, lends strength to the theory that infants affected by SIDS have brain abnormalities in the areas responsible for involuntary physiological processes. Based on this finding, it seems that certain infants are biologically primed to be more sensitive to certain environmental factors. We see evidence of this due to the fact that America has decreased its SIDS deaths since its “back to sleep” campaign started in 1994. Additionally, we see a decrease in SIDS deaths when the household is a non-smoking one, and a further decrease when a fan is in the room. However, a high percentage of deaths still remain prevalent in the U.S.
Other risk factors of note are: the age of the infant, as in the U.S. the risk of SIDS peaks at 2-3 months of age; a respiratory illness or cold contracted within the previous four weeks leading up to the infant's death; and overheating or “being too warm while sleeping,” as the Mayo Clinic puts it. I believe we have to ask ourselves at this point, what on earth is happening to children in America at 2-3 months of age to increase their risk of SIDS so dramatically? Perhaps The U.S. Federal Claims Court can tell us.
In the U.S., the risk of SIDS peaks at 2-3 months of age.
J.B. was a healthy baby boy born on April 7, 2011 who died five months later. The Federal Claims Court tells us this about his death: “After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony presented in this case in accordance with the applicable legal standards, the undersigned finds that petitioners have met their legal burden. Petitioners have put forth preponderant evidence that the vaccines J.B. received on September 2, 2011 actually caused or substantially contributed to his death from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Furthermore, respondent has failed to put forth preponderant evidence that J.B.’s death was in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccines. Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation.”
J.B. died the day after receiving his second round of vaccinations. In the court case, it’s noted that he had a fever around his time of death.
A study in Italy supports the court's ruling, where scientists poured over SIDS death certificates spanning the years 1999-2004. They used rate ratios to determine how likely an infant was to die within 14 days after receiving a hexavalent (6-in-1) vaccination compared to Italy’s background infant mortality rate of 4.7 per 1,000 live births (in 2001). They found that within the first two days after receiving a hexavalent vaccination, the rate ratio increased to 1.5 times the typical infant mortality rate. 0-7 days after vaccination the rate ratio increased to 2, and at 0-14 days post-vaccination the rate ratio was still elevated at 1.5. After 14 days, the rate ratio decreased to the background infant mortality rate for that year. They also note that the rate ratio did not increase for the second and third dose of this vaccine.
Despite studies like this one, court rulings like J.B.’s, and the fact that the U.S. Federal Claims Court has paid out over $6 billion dollars to victims of vaccine injury, medical bodies across the U.S. still claim that vaccines actually reduce the risk of SIDS. However, the U.S. ranks 53 places behind Slovenia, which is ranked first place as safest for infants, and nearly last place among all developed nations. So, what do U.S. officials actually know?
What Do We Know?
We know that there are a whole bunch of crazy symptoms flying around out there, none of which were this prevalent until after Covid. We know that Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, baldness, blood clots, stroke, decreased male fertility, erectile dysfunction (link of plausibility through anecdotal accounts, myocarditis, and small blood clots), menstrual cycle disruption, myocarditis, pericarditis, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, heart attacks, and now possibly SADS are all linked to the Covid vaccines.
We know men are more severely and more often affected by Covid, Covid vaccines, SADS, and SIDS than women. We do know that SIDS and SADS are suspiciously similar: both more commonly affect males than females, both may be influenced by vaccinations, and both report similar mechanisms of death. We do not yet know, however, whether or not SIDS and SADS are the same thing, though I believe these connections deserve heavy scrutiny and research.
Men are more severely and more often affected by Covid, Covid vaccines, SADS, and SIDS than women.
We know that in the year 2021, more soccer players died on or near the field than in any other year since 1889, and we know that exacerbating myocarditis through exercise can lead to permanent heart damage and death.
We know that officials, when faced with a new possible Covid vaccination injury, have consistently gaslit the affected by attempting to attribute the injury to something else, or just outright denying its possibility altogether.
We know that children given the Covid vaccine are 54 times more likely to die than their unvaccinated peers and that the rate of adverse events increases as the vaccinated individual's age decreases, yet, as of June 18, 2022, the CDC has approved Covid vaccinations for children as young as 6 months old.
Closing Thoughts
We need to protect ourselves, our men, and our families. For the past two years, world health officials have consistently lied to and manipulated the public. We know the Covid vaccine doesn't prevent transmission and is severely harmful to certain populations, yet the CDC and FDA are still attempting to inoculate as many people as possible. The insanity stops with you. You have the facts and the statistics to make an informed and safe decision and speak the truth to others. You have the fortitude to stand against the insidious bullying of the past two years and protect your and your family's health.
Additionally, if you or a loved one is injured by these vaccines, report it through VAERS and take it to court. By providing data, you can help prove these vaccines are not harmless. Without data, however, your account becomes “anecdotal” and therefore dismissible by the general public no matter how valid and true. So speak up, be brave, and fight for the truth.
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