Baldness: A Side Effect Of The Covid Vaccine? Women Experience Their Worst Nightmare After Getting The Jab
The mainstream media has been less than forthcoming (to say the least) about the side effects of the Covid vaccine, particularly as they pertain to women.

If you need evidence of that, let me remind you that our publication first covered how the vaccine was impacting women’s menstrual cycles back in April 2021. We were lambasted and vilified online as anti-vaxxers and anti-science, and the women who suffered from these unfortunate reactions were silenced. That is, until the media decided it was finally acceptable to stop gaslighting all of us and admit the connection almost a whole year later.
Now, what started as just an anecdotal account of another possible side effect has resulted in several studies examining the connection between the vaccine and alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease resulting in hair loss and baldness. Women are experiencing their worst nightmare (yet again) after getting the jab, and this time, let’s not be so quick to write it off.
The Covid Jab’s Newest Side Effect
Abnormal menstrual cycles, and now alopecia? These reactions don’t exactly compare to the “headache, fever, and chills” that have been constantly reiterated to us as the most common side effects of the jab. This is a development most of us have only been recently made aware of if we haven’t experienced it ourselves. And it points once again to the main concern surrounding the “hesitancy” (now a dirty word) the majority of us have about this issue – it will take time for us to truly know all of the reactions, effects, and consequences this medical innovation will have on our health and wellbeing.
If you were expecting the medical and scientific community to be at the forefront of advertising the connection between the vaccine and baldness in adults, you’d be wrong. Most, if not all of our awareness, should be attributed to a former hairstylist, who took to Twitter to talk about the reaction (with a Tweet that now has 30,000 likes). Mrs. Murdock, also known as @DaniiiiV, tweeted that she knows many women from her high school class who have developed alopecia areata after getting the vaccine.
Her replies were filled with people mentioning that hair loss is a common side effect of a severe illness (one which has essentially been found to be proportionate to the common cold for most patients). This is true, but she wasn’t just talking about minimal hair loss. @DaniiiiV, who by her own admission previously spent over a decade serving customers who had hair loss due to illness and/or stress, went on to clarify that she wasn’t just talking about hair loss, but full-on baldness, saying the women she was talking about “don’t have any hair!”
Just Another Side Effect?
It would be one thing if this story were an isolated incident and could be written off as purely anecdotal. But it isn’t.
Seven researchers from Columbia University’s Department of Dermatology and Irving Medical Center examined nine patients (five women and four men, ages 15 to 62), six of whom had received two doses of Pfizer and three who had received two doses of Moderna. Within four months of the second dose or in some cases even just a week after, all nine patients developed some form of alopecia. Two female patients, ages 28 and 62, developed alopecia universalis, which is the most severe form of alopecia. Alopecia universalis is extremely difficult to target with effective treatment, and results in hair loss across the entire body. Another patient, a 61-year-old man, developed alopecia totalis, which is a milder form of the disease but results in hair loss in the eyebrows and eyelashes, and changes in finger and toenail condition. The additional patients suffered from milder forms, resulting in large patches of alopecia across the scalp.
The researchers concluded, “Vaccines have been implicated as triggers of autoimmune disease in genetically predisposed individuals. An antibody-mediated response prompted by vaccination may cross-react with self-antigen, leading to autoimmunity. It is possible that the messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Moderna and Pfizer vaccines can trigger a T cell-mediated immune response with the downstream effects of alopecia.”
Vaccines have been implicated as triggers of autoimmune disease in genetically predisposed individuals.
A separate study from the University of Turin in Italy examined a sole patient and their “rapid onset of alopecia areata immediately after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.” The study, considered the first investigation into alopecia as a side effect of receiving both doses of the vaccine, examined the “intense hair loss” of a 31-year-old man with no prior history of autoimmune disease or any other concerning medical history.
Now, more publications are recounting additional patients and their reactions to receiving both doses of either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines. A woman in Japan in her early twenties posted on her blog (complete with photos) that she became completely bald after getting her second Moderna dose. Similar accounts have come out of Korea. Doctors believe patients become more susceptible to autoimmune diseases following the vaccine due to its targeting of the immune system. We should feel comforted, however, according to one doctor, since hair loss “is not a fatal side effect” and hair loss (or full-on baldness) is the only side effect of the vaccine these patients seem to be experiencing.
Possible Treatments
If you’re an unfortunate victim of this side effect, don’t let anyone – not even the medical or scientific community – mislead you about what you’re experiencing. While a dermatologist might be able to suggest topical products and other pharmaceutical treatments to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, the originator of the Twitter discussion suggests ingesting stinging nettle to prevent hair loss, including taking “nettle capsules, [drinking] nettle tea, [and eating] sauteed nettle,” calling it a “miracle herb.”
Stinging nettle contains vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as folate, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which can all promote hair growth.
Additionally, there’s a new drug targeting alopecia that’s currently in the Phase 3 trial of testing. You might be surprised – or unsurprised – to learn that the drug, Etrasimod, is being developed by Pfizer. On March 23, 2022, a chief executive at Pfizer in their immunology department called the trial results “a positive breakthrough” for alopecia patients. If you feel at all concerned that those responsible for the proverbial disease in the first place are now responsible for its cure, you’re paying attention.
Closing Thoughts
If you spoke up after experiencing a miscarriage following the vaccine, your tragedy was minimized by those with an agenda. If you spoke up following an abnormally long, short, heavy, or light period following the vaccine, your very real fears were reduced to keep a narrative at play until it was convenient for the narrative to be changed to accommodate the truth. If you’ve experienced a condition most healthy individuals never would have thought they’d develop and most women would agree is akin to a nightmare – baldness – don’t let your experience be diminished. It’s not us who have to answer for these consequences, and speaking up reinforces the responsibility we have to hold them accountable.
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