
How To Channel Main Character Energy If You're Single This Summer

You can be the leading lady of your love story this summer – even without a man!

By Sydney Good4 min read
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Shutterstock/Summer loveee

Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, Jane Nichols in 27 Dresses, and Jenna Rink in 13 Going on 30 are a few leading ladies we adore who take charge of their love stories. That doesn’t mean they don’t have hiccups along the way. But, they decide to pick themselves up and work to make things better. And while they’re out there living their lives, they win the affection of worthwhile men.

Think what you want about these characters or movies, but these situations don’t have to be completely left to the make-believe world of film. You can become the main character of your own love story, and you can start right now!

Do Something Outside Your Comfort Zone

The pivotal parts of the main character’s story are when she decides to finally take a risk and do what she has always wanted. She takes charge of her story – she doesn’t wait for things to happen!

Think about it this way: You won’t ever have an easier time taking a big risk than you do right now. Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda gives great advice on how to be single and navigate the modern dating scene in his book Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed. He talks about the gifts during the season of singleness, and one of those is that you can take big risks and the only person who’s really affected is you.

Hate your job? Change it. Want to move to a new state? Go ahead! Maybe you’re not even sure what you want to do, so take this time to explore something new. You could even create your own Emily in Paris experience if that’s what you’ve always wanted. Nowadays, you can work from virtually anywhere in the world! What better time to start channeling your main character energy than now? 

Change What Isn’t Working

Facing your fears and taking risks often involves getting rid of “dead weight.” In other words, what’s something – or even someone – unhealthy that could be holding you back from being the main character of your love story? Maybe you're still checking up on your ex via social media stalking, or maybe you have a toxic friendship hanging around that's no longer serving you.

Believe it or not though, we also need self-awareness to change what isn’t working. Despite what our grandma tells us, none of us are perfect, and we can all find areas in our lives that we can work on. Maybe you're the toxic friend. Maybe it’s how you treat others or the goals (or lack thereof) you set for yourself. If you’re not satisfied with the way things are, you have the power to change them.

It could even be your dating “game.” Do you find yourself going for guys that you know aren’t worth your time? It’s hard to be single, but that doesn’t give you the excuse to text that guy you know you shouldn’t. A leading lady doesn’t waste her time on a man who is unworthy of her. You and I both know you’re better than that!

The same goes if you’re not meeting guys. You can’t expect to meet someone if you never put yourself out there! Maybe you need to learn the art of approaching men in the real world in a feminine way.

On that note, we talk a lot about the things we want in a man, as we should. But, how are we working to be the best versions of ourselves to deserve the man of our dreams? This summer is the perfect time to work on yourself and make the improvements you’ve been putting off.

Have a Healthy Girl Summer

How will you feel empowered to face your fears and make necessary adjustments in your life? By prioritizing your health this summer!

Something about summer motivates us to be healthier. Whether it’s the fresh fruit at our fingertips, the beautiful warm weather beckoning us outside, or the idea of laying by the pool, it’s the time to be conscious of our health – as a good main character would.

If you want to have a healthy girl summer, I recommend going on hot girl walks and indulging in some nutrient-rich foods. But if you want to take it a step further and improve your mood and feel more feminine while getting into the best shape of your life, getting to know your cycle is the way to go! 

Eating and exercising according to your cycle has countless benefits! It’s how our bodies as women work, so when we align our lifestyle with our cycle, we’re giving our body what it needs at that time. And if you don’t know where to start, the feminine wellness app 28 makes it super simple!

And who knows, you might meet someone during your hot girl walk or while you’re hitting it at the gym!

Lean into Your Community

It can be easy to get caught up in the pursuit of finding “the one” and totally overlook the people we already have in our lives. After all, these are the people you can count on when things are tough. You can come to them with anything, and you know they can come to you. Make sure you’re working on those relationships before you venture into something as important as marriage.

Most of marriage involves prioritizing someone else’s needs before yours. If you’re unwilling to do that in your current relationships, you can’t expect to do that for your future spouse down the line. Sure, you’ll love that person in a unique way that you won’t with any other relationship, but your bad habits will not magically melt away once you’re married.

This could also be a great time to grow your community! Whatever your interests are, there’s likely a community for that niche. And if not, why not start one? Getting involved with something you’re interested in or passionate about is a great way to find a worthwhile community. That way, you can find like-minded people that you can build meaningful relationships with. 

Volunteer for Something You Care About

You can also give your time to something meaningful. Again, you’re never going to have the kind of time that you do now, so why not do something worthwhile with it?

I admit, it feels like we’re most reluctant to give up our time. We almost prefer to give money instead – even in this economy! But, what if you gave an hour a week? Or, more realistically, an hour a month? That’s nothing. And yet, think of how much you can do with just that little bit of time.

Even if you’re not sure what you’re passionate about, there are endless opportunities to help those in need. This could be at your church, a homeless shelter, an elderly home, a hospital, or a local school. The list goes on, and all you have to do is devote a little bit of your time. But trust me, though you’re working to serve others, the positive impact that will happen to you will be tremendous. 

I’m not saying you should volunteer simply to meet a guy – but imagine the meet-cute you’ll get to tell later about how you were both volunteering for something you care about!

Closing Thoughts

As the leading lady, don’t wait for opportunity to come to you. Take charge of your own story, and seize the day. Make those changes that you’ve always wanted. Do something worthwhile. Go out there and live your life – and who knows who you’ll meet along the way. Maybe even the guy you’ve been waiting for!

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