7 Things Men Do That Aren’t Sexual But Are Still Super Sexy
When I began writing this, I had this crystal-clear vision in my head of a shirtless, six-packed, golden-skinned, alpha male launching his car into a nearby river to rescue a shivering, three-legged puppy struggling to swim.

Unfortunately, that seemed a little too obviously sexy…and maybe a tad unrealistic. So, with my own (less vivid) imagination, I’ve put together a collection of non-sexual things men do that are still super sexy.
When He Dresses Well and Cares about His Appearance
I’m personally convinced good fashion sense turns a solid five into a nine.
There’s a cute guy who dresses terribly, and an average-looking guy who always makes the effort to tidy up well. I don’t know about you, ladies, but I know who I’m choosing.
“Can’t I just make the hot guy dress better–”
YOU CAN’T CHANGE MEN, WE’VE BEEN THROUGH THIS! *calms down* But yes, unless he’s totally willing and open to it, the guy who never takes care of himself or puts effort into his appearance is not going to suddenly start because you’ve started dating. A man who always takes pride in how he looks, though? Totally sexy.

When He’s Spontaneous
Did he bring you flowers, and you never even had to ask him? Does he surprise you by telling you to wear something pretty and meet him for dinner? Does he twirl you around in the street and kiss you in the rain? Yeah…can’t relate – but it’s super sexy, and women love it.
Sure, maybe some of it sounds a little silly, you might even cringe a little. But when you’re into someone, or even in those early stages of courting, it’s adorable and leaves women excited to see a man. And for those in relationships, these simple acts can keep the thrill going. Most people don’t stay in the honeymoon stage, but that’s no reason for a relationship to suddenly be lackluster after a couple of months!

When He’s Chivalrous
Oh, to have a man who always makes sure the umbrella covers your head completely before he worries about the rain on his own. And isn’t it lovely when he never fails to hold the door open for you? Or when he makes sure he’s walking on the side of the road where there are cars to keep you shielded? Women love this behavior. And, when it’s so simple, it’s a wonder why all men can’t do this for their women?
There’s nothing nicer than coming home from a nice date and having a guy check if you got home safely or, even better, when he decides to walk you back himself.
“YOU MEAN WHEN HE’S OVERBEARING AND CLINGY?!” No, Radical Reddit, that’s not what I meant. Women by nature want a protector, and a man who goes out of his way to make you feel safe is just the cherry on top. Having someone who checks up on you is sweet. It makes you feel special and important to them too.

When He’s Close with His Family
I’ve written about how, at one point, overbearing mothers accounted for 30% of divorces in Italy before, right? Yeah, I don’t mean that kind of close – but close enough that he’s able to show how loving and attentive he can be to the ones he holds dear. No one likes a guy they constantly hear screaming down the phone at his parents, or a full-fledged adult who still relentlessly bickers with his older sister.
No, it’s sweet when a guy just adores his parents, talks highly of his loved ones, and is protective over his siblings. It’s nice, it’s refreshing, it’s comforting. Plus, men who are good with their own families are usually the best when it comes to our next point.

When He’s Good with Children
We’ve all seen a guy we’re into hold a baby and just DIE, right? Yes, you knew it was coming, but women are broody, we’re programmed to want to procreate, to be caregivers, and what’s a more natural love inducer than a cute guy holding an even cuter baby? I don’t know!
Most girls love babies; smart men love babies too… (because they know women do). But jokes aside, men who have a natural ability to care for children and happen to be great with them are amazing. Nothing kickstarts a woman’s motherly urge more than having a great guy who’s also great with kids. Women are broody, don’t judge us!
When He Knows What He Wants in Life…and What To Eat for Dinner
So, is this man driven? Does he have his life goals set out? Is this a man who has his act together? And, most importantly, is this a man who orders you fries even though you claimed you “weren’t hungry”? That’s right, women want a guy who takes charge, knows what he wants and works towards it. Oh, and did I mention the food thing? We love the food thing.
Men with goals are sexy. They’re often driven by passion and what could be hotter than that? *Thinks about unrealistic human Zeus from the beginning rescuing the puppy again.*

And, of Course, the CLASSIC: When He’s Funny
Imagine being at dinner with an uptight, humorless sourpuss. Yeah, nobody wants that. There’s a reason we constantly hone in on this point, and that’s because most women genuinely think a sense of humor is essential – I’d even call it the backbone to gaining female attention. The modern woman likes a charmer just as much as her predecessors, and since we’re now living longer (yet still wrinkling), we want to be with someone who is comfortable to be around long-term, someone laid back, and someone who is funny.
Sure, tall guys with fluffy hair and rock-hard beach abs are great to look at, but when they’re totally bland, stuck up, and make conversation so boring that you start counting crumbs on your plate for entertainment? Yeah, no thanks.
“Hey Simone, the waiter wants to know what you want?” Yeah, a cab, please?
Back to the matter at hand. Since men are more visual creatures, it would make sense why so many gym guys forget to develop a personality while they’re away squatting, pumping iron, or doing whatever people…who go to gyms…do at gyms… Sorry, it’s been a while, I’m personally more of a go-for-a-walk kind of girl. What was I talking about again? Ah yes – attraction.
Personality is far more important to women in the early stages of a relationship. Women are more likely to want durable, long-lasting partnerships earlier on than men are – and what creates a stronger, happier bond than someone who you can laugh with?

Men with good humor also tend to carry themselves with confidence – which is a top-tier level of sexy. These are the men who tend to exude the most charm; they’re confident, but without ego. They don’t even need to be conventionally attractive to make it work – good humor automatically turns a five into an eight. These guys are usually the most comfortable in their skin, and if they aren’t, then they laugh it off and make it work – and, honestly, what could be sexier than that?
Closing Thoughts
So, there you have it! There are plenty of non-sexual things men can do that are still super sexy, and hopefully, we’ve covered all the basics!
Women, do you agree? Men, do you tick these boxes? Gyms…how much are memberships?
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