11 Times The World Economic Forum Proved It Was Sketchy AF
The World Economic Forum, the masterminds behind the idea that we’ll “own nothing and be happy,” continue to hit it out of the park with the bizarre and downright problematic statements they make.

Founded in the early ‘70s by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has soared in its influence, now consisting of 1,000 powerhouse member companies that meet annually in Davos, Switzerland to discuss their plans for “global redesign.”
Sifting through their lengthy list of partner organizations could probably qualify as a part-time job in itself so here’s my quick summary: nearly every highly influential corporation, company, and institution is a part of the WEF.
The WEF continually shares spooky and borderline dystopian messaging which promote a “one size fits all” future if we all just conform to their global ideals. Unfortunately, I don’t even like “one size fits all” with my clothing, so I don’t think I’ll be cool adopting that in every aspect of my life.
Well, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. The Forum gives us ample opportunities to see just how sketchy they are in plain sight, so here are some of their “greatest” hits.
1. When They Said We’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy
Plenty of people have broadcast things to the entire internet that they regret. Hindsight is 20/20, as it’s said, especially when there is a great deal of receipts out there to let certain moments in time live forever in infamy. This gem was from the World Economic Forum in 2016, when Ida Auken, a member of Denmark’s parliament said, “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing. I have no privacy, and life has never been better.”
In fact, it was such a notable quote that the WEF stuck it on a little graphic for their followers to retweet! They must have loved this concept so much that the WEF also made a video about it. This video garnered so much roasting online that the WEF eventually deleted it. Lucky for us, we can’t forget such bold statements when receipts are everywhere.
A quick summary of the 2030 prediction: you don’t own products and instead rent “services” which are delivered by drone, you’re dependent on corporations vetted by the WEF for your needs, and you wouldn’t have an ounce of privacy. But never forget, you’ll be happy!
2. When They Promoted Mind Control Technology
Their article, which was part of the “Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils,” was likely intended to be about revolutionary healthcare tech for things like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, but we found it a little bit strange that they wrote, “I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their mind's eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. My guess is that most objections will be similar to those we hear today about subliminal messages in advertisements, only much more vehement.”
Can’t forget this gem either: “Politicians should remember that if we don’t do it, then somebody somewhere will do it anyway…potentially unregulated.”
Got it, so since scientists are moving full speed ahead on this technology, our best defense against misuse is regulation by the WEF who definitely has our best interests in mind and aren’t just inching us toward a global economy. Even stranger that they decided to delete it, but hey, at least we’ve got the Wayback Machine for things like that.
3. When They Talked about Putting Microchips in Pills
I’ll throw them a bone, this one didn’t originally have to do with any recent vaccines that have been going around since these statements were made. Back in 2018, CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla spoke at the World Economic Forum about “electronic pills” which have digital sensors that were apparently approved by the FDA.
“I think it’s fascinating what’s happening in this field right now. I mean, FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it like that,” he said. “So, it is basically a biological chip that is in the tablet, and once we take the tablet and it dissolves, your stomach sends a signal that you took the tablet. So, imagine the implications of that, the compliance. The insurance companies to know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field, but of course, there will be an initial cost that someone needs to invest.”
The technology he was referring to – digital ingestion tracking systems – was initially for things like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression and was not in reference to recent vaccines. Still, this understandably had a lot of people curious about compliance tracking potentially becoming commonplace.
4. When They Claimed Lockdowns Improved Our Cities
Wait, another bold statement from the World Economic Forum deleted? Yep, that’s right! The WEF tried to scrub their video where they essentially celebrated a lack of free market activity, saying that “Earth’s seismic noise has been the lowest in decades due to lockdowns” and that despite how “fewer people used transport” and “factories closed,” apparently the drop won’t be enough to slow climate change.
I fail to see a mention of the fact that lockdowns caused the rise of many mental and physical health complications, shuttered small businesses and in turn created an overreliance on corporations, ruined critical years of education for America’s youth, and barely saved any lives after all.
Then there was this little self-own where they deleted that original tweet but felt the need to virtue-signal even further. I guess that’s what happens when you say the quiet part out loud and then don’t know what to do when you start receiving deserved criticism.
5. When They Gave Us a Peek into Our Reshaped Future
In Summer of 2021, the World Economic Forum highlighted five ways that the global pandemic response could “reshape our lives in the long-term.”
Among another work-from-home push (which we know doesn’t suit every job or individual’s aptitude anyway), they also suggested “neighborhood hubs” which should be “no more than a 15-minute walk from your home” (okay, goodbye to rural living or even most suburban neighborhoods and hello to high-density multi-unit housing), ghost kitchens for takeaway (because we needed more delivery options and fewer affordable groceries to cook our own food, of course), laser technology to identify you based on your heartbeat (since face masks cover your facial features), and even more digital technology creeping in to your children’s education (because Zoom school worked so well the first time).
6. When They Tried To Convince Us To Eat Weeds
Another major World Economic Forum talking point is how treacherous our global greenhouse emissions are thanks to the current practices used by agricultural industries. One of their answers? To become like cattle, of course!
I’ll admit that there are a lot of wild plants which Americans overlook that are commonly eaten in other cultures around the world. Still, it’s a little bit strange to suggest that weeds “can be a reliable food source” when plant-based diets leave people nutritionally deficient.
Imagine my shock when I read that the virtual event that the WEF promoted was titled “Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good.” Always have to bring it back to our bright, new collectivist mindset of serving “the greater good.”
7. When They Told Us To Stop Relying on Meat
Alright, foraging for weeds, check! Shifting to a bug-based diet…check? This year, the World Economic Forum’s annual conference shamed us all once again for eating meat and contributing to carbon emissions.
The communications they released asked people to eat more cactus, seaweed, algae, mushrooms, crickets, lab-grown meat, and more…and definitely had me wondering whether or not the Davos elites were dining on such delicacies. Funny how they limited replies on their original tweet so that only people they follow or mention can reply.
Then there was this gem where they admitted they want alternative proteins to replace one fifth of the protein market, all in the name of climate change and driving profits. Not the profits of the existing ranchers and farmers though, just the profits of WEF partners who are eager to control the food supply.
“How will you adapt your diet for the future?” asked the WEF. I don’t know about you, but I’ll stick to eating animal products as my main source of protein since they actually nourish my body, and will have to apologize to the elites that I’m not working hard enough to "save the world".
8. When They Said Life Doesn’t Have To Be Happy or Meaningful
The WEF, in partnership with Quartz, published a piece on what they’re doing to accelerate action on mental health. Here’s what gets me about this one. No, there’s nothing wrong with having “psychologically varied lives” where you grow from experiences both joyful and uncomfortable. Their example? Oh, world travel, of course.
Where they lose me is de-emphasizing family and close friends in lieu of meeting new people or using their go-to reasoning of “contributing to the greater good.” Another classic example of the WEF downplaying tradition to promote social change on a broad scale. It’s no secret that elites believe that destroying the nuclear family structure is a surefire way to advance and modernize. So let’s all just shake things up and vary our lives psychologically instead of seeking purpose through family, honest work, and heaven forbid… a suburban home!
9. When They Claimed We Need To Rethink Free Speech
You shouldn’t need me to tell you why restricting or rethinking your basic rights like free speech is actually bad for you. We’re guaranteed freedom of speech in America, but other countries aren’t necessarily afforded this luxury.
Here we are once again at the 2022 World Economic Forum Davos conference and an “eSafety commissioner” from Australia named Julie Inman Grant railed against free speech. Australia is famously celebrated for their low regulations, lack of censorship, and praiseworthy amount of freedoms guaranteed to their populace… oh wait.
What eSafety Commissioner Grant does in this clip is conflate “speech” with “violence” and manipulate listeners into thinking that rude, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate comments made online are just as serious an issue as real-life violence. Clearly, the WEF isn’t too shy anymore about promoting censorship.
10. When They Suggested Man Will Merge with Machine
In case you felt that carrying a cell phone was an arduous task, the World Economic Forum has got you covered. At this year’s annual conference, CEO of Nokia Pekka Lundmark boldly stated that smartphones as we know them will soon be obsolete and instead we can expect to have them “implanted directly into the body” as part of the 6G rollout.
Look, I’m getting mixed messages here… where did the consistency go with the cries for “my body my choice?” Some people have asked whether or not transhumanism could save our species, but I’m going to give a hard pass to merging man and machine.
11. When They Overtly Promoted the Great Reset
Now called a conspiracy theory by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), “The Great Reset” is the World Economic Forum’s “new form of capitalism” that “puts people and planet first” to rebuild and redefine our generation through a post-pandemic plan.
The point behind their “Great Reset” is to seize this “unique window of opportunity” to “remodel the global economy,” and as WEF executive chairman Klaus Schwab put it, “solve a fundamental lack of social cohesion.”
The video they released to promote their brave new world placed capitalism on a tombstone, was chock full of subversive messaging like “GLOBAL ELITES PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE,” as well as borderline newspeak messaging like “and that’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time.”
Let’s discuss what their “blueprint for a better world” actually looks like. Rig the system to be compliant with new social and political agendas devised by Davos elites rather than, I don’t know, a constitutional republic where we have checks and balances in place to prevent government overreach and outright tyranny. Forget being an American citizen, you’re a global citizen now!
Reuters even went as far as to give this one a cheeky fact check, saying that “the World Economic Forum does not have a stated goal to have people ‘own nothing and be happy' by 2030. Its Agenda 2030 framework outlines an aim to ensure all people have access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property.”
Feels a bit more like damage control from a WEF partner, but what do I know?
Closing Thoughts
While there are a lot of shocking headlines that may misconstrue whether or not the WEF is taking direct action on certain agendas, it’s worth understanding what’s being discussed when the world’s wealthiest individuals and multinational corporations come together to plan out their vision for our futures. Oftentimes, it feels like the WEF is less concerned with the human rights they claim to fight for and instead care more about global control.
Hurt feelings are justifiable when younger generations face difficulty owning land after it has been snatched up by rich firms just to be rented back to us common folk. People don’t want to be kept poor, kept in their place, or spoon-fed a fantasy which doesn’t even end in happily ever after. Instead of dismissing people’s concerns as “conspiracy theories,” maybe it’s time we examine just how much of a nightmare their vision for globalization would be for us all.
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