The World Economic Forum Wants To Make You Allergic To Beef And Bill Gates Has The Mosquitoes To Do It
Bill Gates has been cooking up synthetic beef in his laboratories, but as appetizing as test tube meat sounds, I’ve found myself questioning, why? As with everything Bill Gates-related, the answer is a tangled web, and the WEF, genetically modified mosquitoes, and synthetic beef are wrapped in it together.

We all know that Bill Gates is a modern-day supervillain. From covertly sterilizing women and possibly their babies in third-world countries to inciting the multi-month-long farmers’ protests in India, he’s shown himself to have a penchant for puppet master manipulation and the sociopathic psychology to go with it. At this point, it’s not a question of if he would release genetically modified mosquitoes onto an unsuspecting public in order to induce a worldwide beef allergy, forcing everyone who still wanted to eat beef to consume his synthetic product, but why, how, and when?
The Injustice League
In 2016, a WEF-linked bioethicist threatened during a speech (in a not at all ethical way) that because humans won’t willingly stop eating beef on their own and because it’d be better for the environment if they did, “we can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.” This was after he mentioned that, conveniently, there is a tick out there that can make humans allergic to red meat after it bites them. He also stated how it’d be better for the climate if we were all, on average, 15 cm shorter. He didn’t mention anything about mosquitoes though, just ticks, and that’s where WEF member, Bill Gates, comes in to fill the gaps.
Like I said earlier, Bill Gates has been cooking up some tasty, tasty fake meat for us, and as the press around it has grown, I’ve been obsessed with trying to figure out why. I personally think it’d be really hard to convince the general public to even entertain the notion of letting that scientific abomination anywhere near their mouths, but even if he could convince some 2 odd million American adults to eat his phony beef bologna, how would he do it? And again, why? There’d have to be a better reason out there than just the money, right?
That’s when I stumbled onto the above statement by the WEF-linked scientist and that’s when I decided I needed to do some digging into Bill Gates’ past to see if GM insect technology was even something he was interested in.
During my search, I discovered that not only is such GM mosquito technology possible, but Bill Gates has also been funding its development for years. I also coincidentally discovered that Bill Gates’ motivations for making us allergic to meat might be a bit more complex than the “who's gonna stop me” and “because I can” attitude of the WEF. The sentiment is certainly there, don’t get me wrong, but the Gates-funded science involved in such an endeavor has been in development for almost a decade, if not longer, and the “why” and the “how” of the projects have continually evolved to keep pace with the technological advancements and discoveries. I don’t believe it was Bill Gates’ original intention to make us all allergic to beef. I think a series of scientific discoveries led him there, and he views the allergy as convenient, collateral damage for the greater good. He’s wrong, but the science and psychology behind such a decision are nevertheless fascinating.
Many argue eating less beef would be better for the environment.
Now, obviously, a lot of this is speculation and conjecture. Has Bill Gates purposely made anyone allergic to beef yet? Not that I’m aware of. Does the technology exist to do so? Yes, it certainly does. If Bill Gates continues on his current trajectory of scientific research and development and continues his partnership with the WEF, is a worldwide beef allergy likely to “spontaneously occur”? I’d say it’s highly possible.
Meet Mosquito Boy
The science behind these beliefs is why this case was so hard to crack. The developments are in constant evolution and the bits of key information are scattered all over the map, but I do believe I’ve managed to consolidate them and figure it out. I’ve treated each discovery like a puzzle piece and as I’ve placed the pieces together, it’s created a concerning, but important, picture. So, to help me illustrate, I’ve put together a timeline in order to reveal what’s been going on for years, and what’s possibly about to happen.
Since 2000, Bill Gates has steadily been stepping away from his company, Microsoft. That year, he stepped down as Microsoft CEO.
In 2004, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began funding the World Mosquito Program and their “Wolbachia work through [their] Grand Challenges in Global Health Program.” This specific program breeds and releases mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria. This bacteria prevents mosquitoes from passing on deadly diseases such as dengue fever and also shortens their lifespan. The WMP has since released mosquitoes in Australia, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Colombia, Fiji, Vanuatu, Mexico, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Sri Lanka, and Yogyakarta.
In 2006, Bill Gates stepped down as chief software architect, and that’s seemingly where his real mosquito obsession begins. The man obsessed with software engineering turned his interest to human engineering and, in 2009, released mosquitoes onto a captive audience during a Ted Talk he was hosting. To make matters worse, the talk was specifically about malaria. This is how it went: “Now malaria of course is transferred by the bite of mosquitoes, I brought some here so you could experience this.” *Bill Gates unscrews the lid to the mosquito jar* “We'll let those wander around the auditorium a little bit. There. There’s no reason only poor people should have the experience.” *audience erupts with applause* “Those mosquitoes are not infected.”
Why the crowd was not the least bit concerned but rather was entertained that Bill Gates had just menaced them with mosquitoes during a talk about malaria and didn’t tell them the mosquitoes were malaria-free until after he released them is beyond me. Seemingly encouraged by the general lack of public outrage, however, Bill Gates then went on to fund many other projects involving the release of GM mosquitoes (and ticks) into the wild.
In 2014, Bill Gates stepped down as Chairman of Microsoft.
In 2017, a study that Gates helped fund (possibly twice) was completed. In it, scientists created malaria-harboring mosquitoes with a weakened form of the blood-borne parasite that causes malaria infection and let them bite consenting trial participants. The experiment was seemingly successful, with none of the 10 volunteers in the last trial contracting malaria and all volunteers producing malaria antibodies at levels high enough to confer immunity.
It wasn’t all smooth sailing though. Early on in the experiment, during the very first trial, one of the human volunteers ended up contracting malaria from the weakened parasites. Due to this, Gates withdrew his funding. For the final trial, however, the NIH picked up the tab. It’s important to note here that the Gates Foundation and the NIH are frequent and close partners in scientific research, and the organization itself is not shy about accepting massive Gates donations.
In 2018, the Gates Foundation donated about $5 million to Oxitec in order to “transfer a self-limiting genetic platform into the malaria vector for future application in Meso-America and the Caribbean to reduce or eliminate this mosquito where it transmits malaria.” Gates's funding helped Oxitec create a GM mosquito with self-limiting reproduction.
Bill Gates has donated millions to genetically modify mosquitoes in various ways.
In 2020, another donation of around $1.5 million was made to Oxitec again, this time “to prepare and engage partners for potential self-limited mosquito field trials.”
In 2020, Bill Gates resigned (was possibly “strongly advised” to quit due to a long-term affair with a Microsoft employee and many other affairs throughout his career, as well as his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein) from his position as Microsoft board member in order to “focus on philanthropy.”
In 2021, Bill and Melinda officially divorced, though the proceedings began all the way back in 2019.
Lastly, in 2022, the Gates Foundation made another donation to Oxitec for $18 million in order to “expand to pilot phases in two malaria-affected regions” in Africa.
As you can see, Bill Gates has been trying to eliminate malaria for a very long time now. I can’t exactly speak to his specific motivations other than that malaria is primarily an African disease (95% of worldwide cases and 96% of malaria deaths are found in Africa) that affects children the most (“children under 5 account…for about 80% of all malaria deaths in the region”) and based on what he’s said about his views on population control, eliminating the disease would cause fewer childhood deaths, which would lead to more children making it to adulthood which would lead to fewer children being born into a household based on the likelihood that a family would see its children reach adulthood more often.
However, I think it’s more likely that his desire to rid the world of malaria (and other mosquito-borne diseases) is linked to pride. I believe he simply wants to be credited in the history books as the man primarily responsible for eradicating malaria and other mosquito vector diseases. The complexity of these diseases makes them worthy opponents, yet the disease carriers are simple enough to study. You mix in Bill Gates’ personality, his love of advanced tech, his need to problem solve through engineering, and his megalomania, and you’ve got yourself the perfect storm.
I do want to add that some of these mosquito initiatives are simply incredible. Though I do believe Bill Gates is a deeply flawed individual, his funding for some of these projects really has made a difference in the lives of millions of people with seemingly no impact on the environment (thus far). I’m thankful that such technology exists despite also feeling threatened by it.
Alpha-Gal Syndrome and Mosquitoes
There’s one last link that I haven’t talked about yet though. How does a tick-borne meat allergy factor into all of this? Mosquitoes, very clearly, can be genetically modified to deliver vaccines and breed themselves out of existence, but can they be modified to cause a meat allergy? And why (besides the money) would anyone even want to do such a thing?
Well, as it turns out, Bill Gates possibly has a vested interest in alpha-gal syndrome research. Alpha-gal syndrome is what scientists have termed tick-induced red meat allergy. Most mammalian meat contains the sugar molecule alpha galactose, which is what the body reacts to and rejects once bitten by certain ticks.
However, ticks aren’t the only vectors for alpha-gal sensitivity. While certain species of ticks produce one kind of alpha-gal sensitivity (the kind that can make you allergic to red meat due to the fact that mammal meat is saturated with alpha galactose, and the tick bite causes your body to produce alpha-gal antibodies (IgE)), mosquitoes elicit this reaction as well, just in a different way. This is due to different antibodies than alpha-gal that they can cause the human body to secrete (IgG and IgM) under their skin.
Some species of ticks can cause a sensitivity or allergy to a sugar in red meat.
Interestingly enough, the parasite that causes malaria is covered in alpha-gal. So, what happens if you trigger an alpha-gal sensitivity in a human or mouse, causing it to create high levels of IgM antibody? Scientists in 2014 wondered the same thing and discovered that what you get is a malaria-immune mouse or a malaria-immune/resistant human.
In addition to all of this, many human parasites and diseases contain alpha-gal “residues.” Because of this, scientists suspect that with a high enough concentration of “natural antibodies to a-gal in [the] blood” humans could gain immunity to many of the world's worst diseases.
With Bill Gates’ history of Nuremberg Code violations, his obsession with GM mosquitoes, his compulsive need to eliminate malaria from the world, the WEF’s backing and their statements that cows are causing climate change, and their belief that humans need to be manipulated into making “correct” decisions, I think it’s only a matter of time before alpha-gal syndrome inducing mosquitoes are unleashed on the world. I think that according to the elite, the “pros” are too great and the “cons” too little, and if Wuhan, China is any example, who’s going to stop them?
Follow the Money
The average American currently eats about 55 pounds of beef per year, but compared to years past, before the smear campaigns to demonize the delicious, natural cow products were aired, that number was higher.
With an artificially created consumer base (through mosquito-induced alpha-gal syndrome, governmental public policy, and his leashed dog, the FDA), Bill Gates could manipulate the public into consuming massive amounts of fake meat. He’d essentially be creating his own food economy through influencing demand and supply, and as the largest private farmland owner in the U.S., this wouldn’t be a difficult feat for him.
Even though Gates claims his mega-farmland purchases aren’t “connected to climate [change],” his own investment firm, Cascade Investment, (that did the purchasing at his behest) “is a shareholder in the plant-based protein companies Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods.” It’s not hard to imagine, at this point, what Bill Gates has in store for his farmland.
Now you may be wondering like I was, if I’m allergic to regular beef but I refused to eat plant-based “meat,” what are my options? Well, here’s one: A patent for a hypoallergenic, rejection-proof GM pig got approved by the FDA in 2020. This pig was specifically designed for individuals with alpha-gal syndrome, as well as people in need of porcine heart valves. I’m positive that it’s not that far of a genetic stretch to apply the same technology to lab-grown beef.
Closing Thoughts
If Bill Gates does end up unleashing GM mosquitoes onto the world, infecting us all with a beef allergy just like the WEF wants him to, is faux beef really the answer? If eating less beef is the solution to reversing climate change (it’s not) as the WEF suggests, should we see test tube meat as a viable, edible, option? Well, it depends on who you ask.
According to Gates, Rockefeller, Bloomberg, Nestlé, and NIH-funded cardiologist, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, au naturale beef is worse for you than artificially dyed candies, refined grains, refined sugars, potato chips, fries, and just about any other food you could possibly think of. But synthetic beef? I’m sure the science of the future will find that synthetic beef solves that pesky little problem.
The scary thing about Mozaffarian’s Food Compass is that it will likely inform governmental public policy on food for the next 50 years, as this past May, Mozaffarian was named co-chair of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
Whether Bill Gates and the WEF intend to give us all alpha-gal syndrome in the name of eradicating disease and saving the planet is up for debate. I think it’s a likely scenario, but some may not agree. I do believe that what we can all agree on, however, is that the science necessary to inflict the syndrome on our society does exist.
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