Why You Should Leave Your Porn Addicted Boyfriend Immediately
Porn is never necessary. The brain on porn is subhuman; its addicts are left completely dehumanized and blind to the realities of sex and the human body.

Modern society tells men and women at large that “masturbation is a human right and that access to porn should be normalized.” Men addicted to porn feed their brains overly filtered and false ideas of sex, leading them to inevitable dissatisfaction with their significant other and sexual frustration. Those who immerse themselves in porn often end up comparing their partner to unrealistic standards, further degrading and debasing them for the sake of “pleasure.”
Unfortunately, we seem to have entrenched ourselves in a culture that tells people, especially men, that it’s within their liberty to pleasure themselves wherever they see fit and, therefore, behave accordingly. Along with porn, today’s internet anonymity has introduced sexual hookups from cam girls on social media or sites such as OnlyFans, allowing people to satisfy themselves both digitally and physically in a new artificial manner of sex.
Porn Has Harmful Side Effects
Only recently was I introduced to the idea of “pick-me” culture, a phrase often used to shame women who consistently try and pander to the needs of men, though, this time, I felt inclined to outwardly use the phrase myself. “I’m a chilled-out girlfriend,” some may say, “I don’t mind if he indulges himself in porn occasionally, I’m not insecure.” Sure, but the uprise of negative attitudes towards porn isn’t always about insecurities; porn has been shown to damage the brain and to cause both short- and long-term effects on its viewers.
Porn causes sexual dysfunction in men.
Porn-watching doesn’t even need to be an addiction; hours of porn use is strongly correlated with less gray matter volume in the brain and lower functional connectivity between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex. Often this results in low sexual desire, minimized arousal, and general sexual problems for men and their partners.
Porn Makes Women Feel Inadequate and Degraded
Today, I seem to frequently come across concerned women who are left feeling inadequate. Because that’s what porn does, it destroys people and destroys their relationships. Its normalization has left many feeling lost and unsure of what steps to take, wondering how they can satisfy someone who spends so much of their time pursuing harmful alternatives for self-pleasure. So many industries in the West today thrive on sexual dissatisfaction and work to facilitate it in the most synthetic way possible, leaving those in relationships feeling debilitated and unworthy.
Men addicted to porn feed their brains overly filtered and false ideas of sex.
Men who are viewing porn don’t care that their perpetual masturbatory habits towards digital women bother you or leave you feeling inadequate; society has left those who partake in these acts programmed to think that this behavior is natural and justified. Their porn addictions have left them to degrade you by nature. The things they have learned are the result of an environment they have ingrained themselves in and you would be doing yourself a favor in leaving them.
Closing Thoughts
Ladies, you’re so much better off single than wasting your time on a man who will prop you up against unrealistic standards. You’re worth more than someone who will compare you to women who are paid to fake sexual acts on the internet. While there are some exceptions, many men don’t change or let go of this habit, and life is far too short to stick around men who will force unrealistic standards upon you.
There are so many good men out there. There’s absolutely no point trying to make salt turn sweet.