
Viral TikToks Show Incredible Before-And-Afters When Women Stop Drinking Alcohol

Many women on social media are showing their incredible transformation that can happen when they simply stop drinking alcohol.

By Gina Florio2 min read
alcohol tiktok

Our culture normalizes binge drinking alcohol on the weekends and many young women are accustomed to going out on a regular basis to enjoy beverages with their friends. The average American drinks about 1.35 drinks a day, 9.5 drinks a week, and 494 drinks a year. Although we have been told that moderate drinking is healthy and good for the heart, it has been recently revealed that the majority of research that claims alcohol is healthy has been funded by the alcohol industry. In fact, a recent study found a "significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality among female drinkers who drank 25 or more grams [of ethanol] per day and among male drinkers who drank 45 or more grams per day." For reference, a glass of wine or a cocktail comes out to roughly 14-16 grams of ethanol. Some women on TikTok are proving that there is a lot of benefit to giving up alcohol, even if it's only a temporary period of abstinence.

Viral TikToks Show Incredible Before-And-Afters When Women Stop Drinking Alcohol

TikToker @itsbrittaniebitch2, Brittanie Fafinski, shared a simple before-and-after video showing what happened when she gave up alcohol for just two weeks.
"To be fair I was drinking an excessive amount," she wrote in the caption. In the first part of her video, she's wearing a black sports bra and a black pair of shorts. Suddenly, she's wearing the same exact outfit, except she looks very different. Her stomach is much smaller, her skin is clearer, and she generally looks way brighter. You can see the definition around her midsection that wasn't there before. It's a pretty incredible transformation to happen in just two weeks, and from what we can see, she didn't change anything else major in her life. She just gave up alcohol temporarily.

Another TikToker @jenamahina, Jena Mahina, shared photos of herself when she was "partying and non stop working." She followed it with new pictures of herself when she quit drinking alcohol and started focusing on her wellbeing. Jena looks like a completely different person. Not only is she slimmer, but her skin is glowing and she seems much happier. She also shows a picture of herself in the gym.

Another TikToker @changeyourdrink, who uses her platform to help people overcome their alcohol addiction, shared photos of her face back when she was drinking alcohol regularly. She points out how swollen and bloated she was, reminding everyone that alcohol causes inflammation in the body and makes you dehydrated. The photos of her face after she stopped drinking show a clearer version of herself who actually looks much younger.

"Your organs and your skin are trying their damn hardest to hold onto as much fluid as they possibly can, which causes you to have that puffy face" she explains.

While you don't necessarily have to swear off alcohol forever, these before-and-afters prove that drinking regularly can have negative effects on your health, which will inevitably show up in the way you look. You might be surprised at how much different you will look and feel if you abstain from alcohol for a while. Two things that seem to be pretty common when women give up alcohol is they lose a lot of bloating around their midsection and their face looks brighter and even younger.

One way to try it is to refrain from drinking alcohol for 30 straight days and see how your body feels. After that, if you want to drink occasionally, particularly on special occasions or in social settings, you can slowly reintroduce alcohol into your body and find a frequency that allows you to still feel vibrant and healthy while still enjoying yourself every now and then.