Viral Podcast Clip Of Woman Saying "Like" 37 Times Sparks Discussion About Gen Z's Poor Communication Skills
The "whatever" podcast hosts a show all about dating, and one of its latest viral clips shows a young woman struggling to explain her point of view, while using the filler word "like" 37 times.

Every Sunday and Tuesday, popular YouTube channel "whatever" hosts a show called "Dating Talk." One recent clip from October 2022 that went viral showed a 27-year-old man, Chase, answering a superchat question: Would he rather have sex with the hottest trans woman in the world or the oldest woman in the world? He said he would rather sleep with the oldest woman because he's not gay and a trans woman is a biological male. He was met with so much backlash that someone actually got up from the table in a huff and left the show in the middle of filming. In another episode, Chase talked about wanting to make a woman his wife one day. He was again met with backlash, this time from a college student who is always online looking for sugar daddy arrangements. She was offended by the idea that a man would want to make a woman his wife. Yet another clip from this podcast has gone viral on social media; this time a woman uses the word "like" 37 times in less than a minute to describe something that is on her mind.
Viral Podcast Clip of Woman Saying "Like" 37 Times Sparks Discussion About Gen Z's Poor Communication Skills
A young woman attempted to describe the thing that annoys her most in the "whole dating world." She says she can't stand the "f*cking talking stages." But as she's trying to get her point across, she uses so many filler words that the clip went viral, and people were horrified at how difficult it was to understand her.
"Like, that sh*t is so annoying, like, the whole, like, and just, like, the inconsistency in them, like, I literally, like, hate that, like, so much," she says. "But I think that's, like, my biggest thing is just, like, what..."
The host of the show, Brian Atlas, attempts to clarify what she's talking about. "What, specifically?" he asks.
"Just, like the fact of just, like, you, like... I don't know how to word this," she responds. "Like, in, like, talking stages and it's just, like, you're, like, labeled that, and it's, like, people, like, are considered, like, you can't, like, you're just, like, confused."
She says that most girls get attached during this "talking stage," and they think it's going to lead to a relationship, but it usually doesn't. She is actually trying to make a point that is perfectly sensible; the problem is, very few people are able to understand her because of the frequency with which she uses the word "like." She says it 37 times in 48 seconds, to be exact.
Most of Twitter has started mocking her. @wilderpatriot shared the video and wrote, "Like wtf is she talking about?"
"Your post has 52 likes, which is almost as many times as she said it," someone commented.
"And like I can't believe girls like this like actually like can be this dumb like," someone else said.
Unfortunately, the point she is trying to make is completely covered up by her constant use of filler words. But the heart of what she's saying makes sense. This generation's approach to dating is confusing and frustrating. The "talking stage" is a real thing that leaves many women (or men) in limbo and wondering where they stand with the person they're seeing. Are they together? Are they exclusive? Is the other person seeing someone else? It's no wonder young women like her get so discouraged by the whole process, leaving many people just resorting to sleeping around rather than trying to find someone to settle down with.
Regardless of whether she was making a decent point about dating, many people can't get over the poor communication skills of Gen Z in general. Most of the women, especially the women you see online, talk like this. They use filler words constantly, making them difficult to understand and listen to. And many of the young men struggle to string together coherent sentences, let alone make eye contact and speak clearly in person. It begs the question: Has social media doomed this generation's ability to communicate clearly and efficiently? Sadly, these are the young adults who will one day have a large influence on our economy and society at large. And it's troublesome to know that so many of them struggle to explain the simplest of thoughts.