The Power Of True Femininity
Despite the rise of the feminist movement and the age of girl power, real femininity is often overlooked and misunderstood. Exemplifying and being proud of the feminine genius that you are is important for you as an individual, and it's also important when it comes to seeking out healthy and happy long-term relationships.

Women are intelligent, strong, intuitive, capable, passionate, and beautiful in so many unique ways. Sadly though, the modern conception of femininity frequently underestimates the true qualities that distinguish and give testament to the incredible capabilities and natures of women.
Uniquely Feminine
Society tends to paint women with one of two broad brushes: women either belong dominating in the workplace or at home raising a family. We tend to fluctuate between these two extreme categorizations of women, and far too often it seems that nobody is quite able to articulate an appropriate balance between the two. Women are certainly capable of doing one, the other, or both, but do so with qualities that are uniquely feminine. The part that gets lost isn’t so much what women do, but how they do it.
The part that gets lost isn’t so much what women do, but how they do it.
I’ve always been perplexed by the feminists who argue that women should be viewed as equal to men when in reality there are so many things women do that men can’t. Men and women each bring distinct qualities to the table, and there's unique value to all of them. Women possess great intelligence and strength, but this intelligence and strength is so much more than brash power, but rather a spirit of gentleness, grace, empathy, and insight that's distinct to women.
Insight and Strength
There's no shortage of brilliant and strong women. Women are not only more than capable of great intellectual feats, but they're able to do so with incredible insight and strength unique to the female mind. Women possess the insight and ability to assess situations in entirely different ways than men. In relationships, women are often able to view situations from different perspectives, considering multiple dimensions to problems and solutions that men usually don't. This isn't to say that men are stupid and can’t think for themselves, but that women have a way of viewing things that's different than a man.
Women possess the insight and ability to assess situations in entirely different ways than men.
The strength of a woman is also different from that of a man, and there's great strength in the ways women conduct themselves, and there's often a quiet and serene power to their ways. Women are certainly not meant to be confined to being meek and demure, but it's usually in the subtlety and quiet strength of a woman that she really shines. This power is so essential in all relationships, personal and professional.
While men certainly have a uniqueness to their strength, so too do women bring something unique through their strength, a strength so often needed from men. Whether a woman is encouraging a man, standing by him through times of difficulty, providing constructive criticism, or being a refuge for his struggles and emotions, the strength of a woman is something many men desperately seek. Good men should respect and value the unique strength and power of women, and should appreciate the unique counsel and benefit this adds to their life.
Sadly, grace and class are more attributes on the list of things that make women wonderfully unique that get overlooked when equating women with men. One of the definitions of grace states that it's a “disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.”
While both men and women are certainly capable of acting gracefully, there's something to be said for the unique way in which women can embody and act on their grace. There's a reason why women like Kate Middleton and Audrey Hepburn are held in such high regard by so many – the way in which they conduct themselves exudes the best of feminine grace, and it's undeniably attractive to all.
It's no secret that women can be criticized for their emotions, but these emotions, when appropriately directed, are another source of great strength for women. Again, in difficult decisions and times of conflict, the empathy that women have provides great insight and new dimension into situations.
The empathy that women have provides great insight and new dimension into difficult situations.
We become increasingly aware as we grow into adults that many decisions are not black and white, and the lines between right and wrong are often difficult to find. The empathy that women have and their ability to take into account the current and future emotional consequences is again something of great value, whether applied in the workplace, with friends, or in families and relationships. A good partner will not only respect the emotional intelligence of a woman but will truly value the insight and understanding that comes from this deep empathetic awareness.
Value and Dignity
Although often a challenge for many, women should be proud of their own value and dignity and give credence to the uniqueness of their feminine person. A woman who shows that she values and respects herself by default demands that others treat her that way.
A woman who shows that she values and respects herself by default demands that others treat her that way.
In valuing yourself, you choose to accept or reject those who aren't respectful of your value and dignity as both a person and a female. A strong woman owns her strength without holding it over others. A graceful woman chooses to speak in a classy manner, while still standing up for the values she holds dear. An empathetic woman revels in her emotions without letting them irrationally dictate all of her choices.
Closing Thoughts
Valuing yourself and finding a man who does the same isn’t an easy task, but it's one that's necessary for you and for society. Building a relationship with a man who recognizes the inherent and unique value you have as a female will make him better, make you better, and be a testament to all of the ways in which men and women are meant to work together and complement one another’s individual strengths. The world is in desperate need not of women striving to be equal to men, but of women striving to exemplify the uniqueness of true femininity.