The Media Is Blaming Heart Problems In Kids On Video Games, Even Though The Covid-19 Vaccine Has Been Linked To Myocarditis
Multiple news reports have come out in less than 24 hours on video games causing “dangerous heart arrhythmias” in children. Is it possible the Covid-19 vaccine is making them more susceptible to cardiovascular health problems?

A recent report by Heart Rhythm suggests video games can cause "life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia" in susceptible children. The study includes 22 patients from the ages of 7 to 16 years old. According to their results, 19 males experienced heart arrhythmias, six underwent cardiac arrest, and four suddenly died during electronic gaming. “Video games may represent a serious risk to some children with arrhythmic conditions; they might be lethal in patients with predisposing, but often previously unrecognized arrhythmic conditions,” said lead investigator, Claire M. Lawley.

The published article currently does not state whether or not the patients from the study were vaccinated against Covid, even though the risk of heart problems has been found to rise in boys who received an mRNA vaccine. Another study published by Nature reported that people who got the Covid-19 shot were 25% more likely to suffer cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome. Still, the CDC claims myocarditis is rarely reported after an mRNA vaccine. But it doesn’t seem rare at all – stories keep coming out about people getting myocarditis after their shot.
In the summer of 2022, one nurse attended the San Diego Board of Supervisors Meeting and shared how she allegedly got fired from Rady Children's Hospital when she asked doctors why they weren’t reporting cases of myocarditis in children to VAERS. “I took care of those children who came in with myocarditis after the vaccine, and I talked to the doctors because I was a charge nurse, saying, ‘Why aren’t we reporting these to VAERS? Who is going to report these to VAERS?’ It was an unspoken thing that we were not allowed to talk about openly on the unit,” she says in the video.
It seems the news will continue to blame the rising cases of heart problems in children on virtually everything else except the vaccine.
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