
How To Express Both Wholesomeness And Sexiness In Your Femininity

How can I embody both feminine wholesomeness and feminine sexiness? Isn't that contradictory? Well let us introduce you to the concept of the madonna/whore complex.

By Jenny White4 min read
Pexels/Юлиана Маринина

To be your husband's Madonna in conjunction with being his whore is the fastest and surest route to becoming his dream girl. Yet, modern women have increasing difficulty in being able to balance both with skill, magnetism, and high energy.

Evie Magazine is the only modern resource available that teaches women how to be a lady. Every other mainstream cultural outlet encourages and programs women to be the whore. 

The women on the silver screen are often half-naked and sexing up all the men in shameless, cheap, and undignified ways. They’re portrayed as “sex goddesses” when they’re mostly just overdone and perverse Hollywood caricatures of the vixen or femme fatale.

It’s an art form for a woman to be both the wholesome Madonna and the fatal whore. It’s also not so difficult for any woman to achieve both. You’ll discover that assimilating this balance simply requires what you already possess within your feminine characteristic makeup as a woman. 

As a feminine woman, you may be surprised to learn that you naturally possess these traits within you. You can readily tap into them and allow yourself to embody both the lighter and darker sides of your feminine goodness along with your unrealized and emboldened sexuality.

How can you become the Madonna and the whore and be any man’s dream girl? How can you effectively unleash your own natural femininity and embody this sexy sultriness while also maintaining your feminine innocence?

Understand That a Mixture of Both Is Every Man’s Weakness

Being the whore is not all about being a pornographic stuntwoman swinging naked from a trapeze every day of the week and twice on Sunday, as they portray in the media.

It’s more about being a wild vamp who loves sex (and makes no apologies for it) when the time is just right to be sexy. Being sexy should be reserved for the moments you share in secret with your man. The “forbidden” is what makes your whore side irresistible and erotic. 

Furthermore, you can utilize “dirty talk.” I consider myself to be a master of “dirty talk” with men. Dirty talk doesn’t translate to filth and obscenities but instead comes through in an erotic play on words, like “I love the way your mouth tastes after you...” 

Men adore a potent mix of danger and comfort, sweet and spicy, craziness and sanity.

Also, you need not be the crazed, sex-hungry whore every time you are intimate. You can alternate between sensual, slow lovemaking and devouring his body like a starved animal in bed. You can mix it up and be more sensual, and at other times, you’re more wild, untamed, and erotic. 

Then, tomorrow morning, you can rise and shine and make him Eggs Benedict with blackberry crepes, pretending as though you hardly recall how nasty you were in bed together the night before. 

Can you see these two very distinct extremes here? They go together perfectly. No man is able to resist a woman who can play upon both her inner Madonna and her inner whore. It leaves them breathless and on a razor’s edge, dying for more. 

A Very Simple Formula To Help You Be Both the Madonna and the Whore

To be the Madonna and the whore is all about achieving a perfect balance between the traits of these two very powerful archetypes.

For fun, I like to personally designate my “Madonna/whore ratio” as a 90:10 or 95:5 split where I’m 90%-95% all business and 5-10% all whore. 

For example, the whorish 10% can be ramped up in random dirty text messages to your husband when he least expects it and the occasion calls for it. Or perhaps when you’re having dinner in together one evening, you can surprise him by wearing that very revealing low-cut top you never wear in public, while every other piece of clothing you’re donning is modest.

Try being all business at all times in the public eye. Be the innocent, sweet, caring “lady in the streets” when you’re together at the annual family picnic. Let everyone around you paint their own impression that you are the prim and proper lady. Then, as you’re winding down and snuggling up next to him by the fire pit, you can whisper something intensely erotic in his ear, like “I want to feel you moving so deep inside me. I’m sure you’ve been thinking about it all day, haven’t you?” This will give him a massive rush. It’s intensely thrilling and adds ample layers and depth to the whole of your feminine mystique as the good girl and the bad girl. 

You May Have Trouble with Porn Addicted Modern Men Who Can’t Love the Madonna or the Whore

Many modern men are addicted to pornography. You see it laid bare in public discourse among men in the red pill movement and the manosphere and their inner conflicts with purity and whoredom. They idealize the innocent virgin they want to “wife up” but also seem to have an affinity and pronounced sexual desire for the whore

As a woman, you may be convinced the problem rests on you. You may believe it’s your responsibility to try to emulate one or the other to please a man who harbors these unhealthy and unintegrated tendencies in his psyche

The Madonna-whore complex views women's desirability and purity as mutually exclusive traits; love is seen as clean and virginal, whereas sex is viewed as dirty and shameful.

The Madonna-Whore Dichotomy was theorized by Sigmund Freud and “refers to men's inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed and loving relationship. To put it simply, the Madonna-whore complex is a term used to explain men's anxiety towards women's sexuality where men cast women into one of two categories to soothe the uncomfortable dichotomy of fear and desire: the Madonna, women he admires and respects, and the whore, women he is attracted to and, therefore, disrespects. Moreover, the Madonna-whore complex views women's desirability and purity as mutually exclusive traits; love is seen as clean and virginal, whereas sex is viewed as dirty and shameful.” Describing the separation between love and sexual desire, Freud wrote, "Where such men love, they have no desire, and where they desire, they cannot love.”

With the above techniques, you can throw a proverbial wrench in any man’s psyche and snap him out of this divisive tendency. Women with a well-integrated purer side along with a darker feminine sexual side, who possess the ability to balance and seamlessly oscillate between both, can break down a man’s psychological barriers to where he now sees the woman as his dream girl.

I personally integrated my innocent side with my darker side and found much success in dating as a younger woman. Men adore a potent mix of danger and comfort, sweet and spicy, craziness and sanity.

I’m convinced that if women were able to channel both the Madonna and the whore, we would witness a real sexual revolution. One where men would easily find sexual, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment in one dream woman rather than needing a mishmash of modern day Madonnas and whores to fulfill their desires.

Closing Thoughts

I invite you to experiment with integrating both your Madonna and your whore. Be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. 

Acknowledge that you enjoy being a great woman any man would love to bring home to his mother, while also affirming you are the sexual powerhouse behind closed doors that unleashes erotic pleasures on a man, bringing him to the heights of paralyzing attraction. 

You are not destined to relegate yourself to being one or the other. Instead, you can find a healthy and very desirable balance that will keep any man hooked on you and wanting more.