
Do These Old Wives Tales Have Any Validity To Them When Determining Your Baby's Gender?

We categorize most old wives’ tales as useless superstitions, but we rely on them more than we think we do. Why else would we believe that we shouldn’t swim directly after eating, or that gum stays in our stomachs for years after we swallow it?

By Gwen Farrell3 min read
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Old wives’ tales, which date back to Biblical times and cover everything from bug bites to treating the flu, are especially prevalent when it comes to pregnancy, specifically in determining gender. While some couples are fine not knowing until their little one arrives, others can’t wait to find out – so much so that there’s a new line of niche businesses solely dedicated to gender ultrasounds.

Some old wives’ tales have more validity than others when determining the sex of your unborn baby, so if you’re still weeks away from your second-trimester ultrasound or blood test and dying to know if your little one is a boy or a girl, give these a try. They may not be the most accurate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them.

Chinese Calendar

The Chinese Gender Calendar actually holds up pretty well when it comes to determining a baby’s gender. One source claims it’s 93% accurate, and most moms agree that it’s the best non-medical method for determining gender. To calculate your baby’s gender, all you need to know is your age at the time of conception and the month your baby was conceived. 

Use the chart below to see if it’s a boy or a girl!

Ramzi Method

This particular theory claims it can determine a baby’s gender as early as 6 weeks. Specifically, you’ll need to know the position of your placenta, or which orientation of the uterus the placenta has attached to, which any skilled ultrasound technician can help you find. 

If you’re having a transvaginal ultrasound done, as is common in the early days of pregnancy, and the placenta is positioned on the left, it’s a girl! If positioned on the right, it’s a boy. If you’re having a regular abdominal ultrasound, those standards are flipped: right for a girl, left for a boy.

Linea Nigra

Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy often contribute to what’s called the pregnancy line, or linea nigra. This line is vertical and runs down the bump. Some moms may experience a line all the way down, but if your line finishes below the navel, you’re having a girl. If it finishes above the belly button, it’s a boy.

Pregnancy Glow

For many, pregnancy glow seems too good to be true. Others are more fortunate. If your hair is thicker and fuller, your skin is luminous and supple, and you’re getting compliments left and right (not due to your favorite highlighter) on your pregnancy glow, congrats on your boy! No glow is still a cause for congratulations – go, girl mom!

Sweet or Salty

Craving potato chips or popcorn? How about cupcakes or brownies? Pregnancy cravings are one fun side effect of pregnancy, but they also might be able to tell you if you’ll need a pink or blue nursery for your bundle of joy. If you can’t get enough salty snacks, you’ll be having a boy. If you can’t put down the sweets, you’ll need pink paint for that nursery.

Morning Sickness

Acute morning sickness (the medical term for which is hyperemesis gravidarum) is most commonly linked to being pregnant with a girl, specifically when there’s vomiting involved. Others still say nausea (with no vomiting) is linked to having a boy. 

Oily and Broken Out

If that pregnancy glow seems like a myth, you’re probably suffering from hormone-induced acne and oily skin. For many moms, it’s extremely common to not have ever had an issue with random and persistent breakouts…until pregnancy. High levels of hormones, specifically girl hormones, usually contribute to these side effects. If your hair is also looking dull and lank when it was once shiny, that also points to a girl. Double the girl hormones means double oil production, which causes breakouts and flat, overly-saturated hair. It’s also common to hear of baby girls “stealing the beauty” of their moms. 

Weight Gain

Weight gain is absolutely normal during pregnancy, healthy even. But it’s where the weight goes that could be the determining factor for whether it’s a boy or a girl. If you’re gaining weight all over – boobs, thighs, stomach, and then some – you’re likely having a girl. If you’re gaining weight just in your abdomen, it’s a boy.

Carrying Low or High

How’s your bump, mama? High? Low? If your bump is up to your eyeballs and you could easily balance a bowl or a book on your newly-attached shelf, it’s a girl. If you’re hanging low, it’s a boy.

The Ring Trick

Perhaps the most infamous old wives’ tale when it comes to determining gender is the ring trick, or the necklace trick. You can use either, though tradition dictates you use your wedding ring and hang it over your bump from a thread or string or even a piece of hair. Lying on your back, wait for the ring to move on its own. If the ring sways from side to side like a pendulum, it’s a boy. If it swings in a circular motion, it’s a girl. There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of scientific or medical accuracy to this one, but it’s an interesting method to try anyway.

Closing Thoughts

These old methods are an interesting way to get your husband or family involved in a gender reveal, especially if they turn out to be correct. Whether or not they predict your baby's gender correctly, your little one is already perfect. No prediction needed there.

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