Demand For Unvaccinated Sperm Skyrockets As Women Search For Unvaxxed Sperm Donors On Facebook
The demand for unvaccinated sperm donors has spiked.

Jonathan Rinaldi – nicknamed “The Sperminator" – created his own Facebook group for unvaccinated sperm donors. Rinaldi was a prolific donor at Sperm Donation USA, the largest sperm donation group in the United States.
The large Facebook group reportedly saw an increase in people seeking out unvaccinated sperm, so Rinaldi set out to create his own sperm donation community for individuals who did not receive the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. One man posted on Facebook, "Any donors in the Alabama/surrounding area?? Non covid shot, STD free and blue eyes?" He added, "AI method ONLY. My wife and I are looking to grow our family, and I hope to find someone that favors her looks."

Like millions of other Americans who saw an increase in reports of side effects, Rinaldi expressed his skepticism. “I don’t trust big government, big pharma, I don’t trust them, and I don’t need to inject myself with things that I don’t even know what it is,” he told The Daily Mail.
"I don’t trust big government."
One of America’s largest sperm banks, Cryos, claims they are receiving very few inquiries about unvaccinated donors – but the numerous women on Facebook searching for "unvaxxed sperm donors" tell a different story. Meanwhile, the men are identifying themselves on the platform with terms such as "unvaccinated man (sperm not modified by mRNA)."
Another post from an unidentified user reads, "My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years. With two fur babies, we have decided it's time for our own little baby. We are located in NC, but we are willing to travel or pay for travel accommodations. We would prefer a donor who is unvaccinated."
Someone else offered, "I was born because someone donated. I have very good genes so I'm hoping to pay it forward now. I'm an unvaccinated man (sperm not [modified] by mRNA)."

Rinaldi, who is based in New York, began donating his sperm when his lesbian friend asked him to help her conceive her child. At the time of writing, he now has three kids with his ex-partner and conceived 16 others through sperm donation. He said that in a "perfect world," the women he donates sperm to would be unvaxxed, but he realizes that it's unrealistic. "But the reality of it is, not everybody believes in that. Not everybody's educated," Rinaldi explained. "I would love it if no one got vaccinated."
He recalled the time when he considered donating his sperm to a woman who received multiple Covid-19 vaccinations and wanted a booster. "And I was like, 'Listen, if you get the booster, I'm not doing this for you. Like, it's bad enough, you have two of them.'"
Do these people have a valid reason to be concerned about vaccinated sperm? Maybe. A study at the University of Colorado found that Covid-19 vaccinated parents can pass antibodies to their unvaccinated children through respiratory droplets, which might lead to potential health reactions in those unvaccinated. If the antibodies can spread through respiratory droplets, perhaps it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that it would be found in the sperm of vaccinated men.
Demand for Unvaccinated Blood Reportedly Spikes
People aren't only looking for unvaccinated sperm – many are searching for unvaccinated blood as well. In December 2022, Swiss Naturopath George Della Pietra reported that the demand for "pure blood" skyrocketed globally as individuals searched for unvaccinated blood. "I get hundreds of emails asking me, 'Do you have blood [available], because I have surgery coming up in three weeks,'" he said.
Pietra confirmed in his own studies that vaccinated blood showed terrible "contamination" from the jabs. "I've never seen blood like this. This was, to be honest, the main reason I started the whole thing, because when I saw this, I was so horrified," he said. "The whole vaccination thing is from my point of view, mainly to do with controlling people."
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