Dear SIMPs: The Woman You Want Will Never Respect You
Why has internet subculture been so sleazy lately? It's as though every season, every year, we see some new form of weirdo-ness appear from the online world. From the incels to the MGTOWs, to the e-THOTs, to the camgirls, it seems like the internet just constantly spits out a never-ending flow of terrible social trends.

The latest iteration of these disturbing social trends is the growth of the SIMP subculture. SIMP is defined by Urban Dictionary as "a man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table." Essentially, a SIMP is a guy who grovels at the feet of an inferior female in the hopes that he'll gain her favor and that she'll give him the time of day if he does so.
A SIMP is a guy who grovels at the feet of an inferior female in the hopes that he'll gain her favor and that she'll give him the time of day if he does so.
To help you paint a picture of what a SIMP is, here's a little thought experiment for you. Imagine this little scenario in your head. Then ask yourself if the outcome of this woman's reaction towards the man is plausible in reality.
Her: I want you to follow my orders, heed my command, and give up other stuff that you care about to prove your love to me!
Him: Sure thing, honey! I'll do as you say!
Her: Oh wow! How sexy of you! You're my hero!
If your reaction was "wow, fake news alert" then you'd be correct. Because no mentally sane woman would find that kind of guy sexy. Emotionally and psychologically healthy women aren't attracted to SIMP-like behavior like this. You'll find out the reasons why as you read on.
But before we proceed, an important thing needs to be made clear. Being chivalrous mustn't be confused with SIMP-ing behavior. There is a clear difference between being Prince Charming vs. being a Court Jester (a.k.a. the modern-day SIMP-clown).
Chivalry is dying because both men and women are afraid of appearing weak if they uphold chivalry. Men confuse chivalry for SIMP-ing and women mistake chivalry for being sexist. Nothing is weak about a chivalrous knight.
Warrior Knight vs. Jester Knight (a.k.a. a SIMP)
Chivalry is getting a bad rep today because society has pretty much forgotten about the Arthurian Legends. Western Civilization was historically built upon the legends of King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table. It is interesting to note that not all of Arthur's Knights were heroic like Sir Lancelot. One of them was a pathetic coward called Sir Dagonet, Arthur's Jester Knight.
Men confuse chivalry for SIMP-ing and women mistake chivalry for being sexist.
Due to modern society's lack of familiarity with the Arthurian Legends, the term "white knight" has taken on a derisive tone today. It’s currently used to describe the behavior of men who grovel at the feet of women who couldn’t care less for them. It’s wrong to use the term "white knight" to describe the behavior of SIMP-like men because The White Knight is what Sir Lancelot was called.
Sir Lancelot was the bravest, strongest, and most valiant of Arthur's Knights. He was the greatest knight of the Round Table. A symbol of true chivalry. That is not what a SIMP is. A SIMP is more like Sir Dagonet, Arthur's Jester Knight. Sir Dagonet is described as “a witless fool and the most cowardly excuse for a man that anyone knew of, and people made fun of him.” Basically, this Jester Knight was a SIMP.
Prince Charming Is a Hero, Not a SIMP
When we think of chivalry, it's difficult not to think about the image of Prince Charming. This is a good thing. Prince Charming is a great archetype of a desirable man. And his counterpart Cinderella, for example, is also noble, virtuous, and kind. Hence, she is more than worthy of Prince Charming (as is he is of Cinderella).

So if Prince Charming were to go above and beyond and do everything for Cinderella, he would be her knight in shining armor. However, if Prince Charming would have done the same for someone unworthy, like Cinderella's evil step-sister Drizella, that would make him a SIMP.
In fairy tales, the princess (or the good queen) is the symbol of virtue for which the knight dons his shining armor and wields his sword to fight for and protect.
In legends and fairy tales, the princess (or the good queen) is the symbol of virtue for which the knight dons his shining armor and wields his sword to fight for and protect. A soldier who fights for an unworthy woman (like the Evil Queen in Snow White), however, is not a heroic white knight. Rather, he is her goon. In other words, he's a SIMP.
SIMPs Shower Undeserving Praise
For a man to revere a woman and put her on a pedestal, she first has to rise up to it. This means the woman has to be worthy of his admiration, love, and respect. This is why Prince Charming isn't a SIMP when he travels the land to search high and low for Cinderella.
But this is also the reason why people think Carole Baskin's husband from Tiger King is a SIMP. He is no Prince Charming because he is subordinate to a woman who is suspected to have murdered her own (former) husband. A suspected murderer shouldn't be placed on a pedestal.
Women Are Attracted to Men with Drive and Purpose
Another reason why women are repulsed by SIMPs is that women are attracted to the virtue of independence in a man. It’s difficult for a woman to be attracted to men who are dependent on someone else's approval for his sense of self-purpose.
Women are attracted to the virtue of independence in a man.
Like the Evil Queen's goons, SIMPs are men who place themselves in a subordinate position to a woman in order to gain her favor. By doing so, they're giving up their own sense of self and independence in order to spend their life serving the woman's purpose. Lack of independence, drive, and purpose are extremely unattractive traits to women.

Closing Thoughts
This isn't to say that friendship is impossible between the genders. I have lots of male friends whom I confide in, who’ll help me out and support me, etc. They're chivalrous men — not SIMPs. What makes them different from the SIMPs is that I genuinely care about their well-being and I know what they want out of life. I know what their interests are and what they're doing to accomplish their own hopes and dreams.
So, if you're a guy reading this, ask yourself, does your female friend treat you like how I treat my male friends? Does she know what your favorite anime is? Your favorite movie? Your favorite cuisine? Is she aware of anything about yourself that is important to you? If she has no clue, then she's not your friend and you are a SIMP. Don't be SIMP-ing. You deserve better.