
Chelsea Handler Brags Again About Being "Child-Free," Pointing To A Faulty Study That Claims Single Women Are Happiest

The comedian is back to claim that her single, childless life is much more exciting than that of a married mom. But the study she references turned out to be a dud, and there is much more research pointing to the fact that married moms are the happiest, healthiest demographic.

By Gina Florio3 min read
Getty/Kevin Winter

Morgan Stanley's prediction in 2019 projected that 45% of women aged 25 to 44 would be single and childless by 2030, a demographic commonly known for its substantial economic contributions. However, the implications for the already dipping birth replacement rate in American society are concerning. Even so, comedian Chelsea Handler has made it her mission to champion the joys of living single and childless. Earlier this year, she shared an Instagram reel showcasing "a day in the life of a childless woman," humorously highlighting her freedom to indulge in her own pleasures rather than attending to the demands of motherhood. Recently, Handler has resurfaced this topic with a new video aiming to convince skeptics of her blissful childless life.

In response to a statistic cited by Adam Sosnick, Handler took to Twitter to share her views. Stitching her video with Sosnick's, she confronted his presumptive "What's wrong with that?" with a resounding "nothing." She expressed her frustration with the notion that some men couldn't digest the idea of a woman leading a fulfilled life without marriage or children, referring to it as "Small D*ck Energy." Sosnick's belief that women who are childless, unmarried, and financially independent at 45 can't be genuinely fulfilled met with Handler's strong rebuke.

Handler highlights an article claiming unmarried women are happier and live longer, countering the dominant narrative suggesting the contrary. Although data generally demonstrates better health outcomes and longer lifespans for married individuals, and a correlation between conservative politics, marriage, and happiness, Handler contests these findings. She suggests single women are happier because they aren't burdened with the chauvinistic attitudes of some men. Handler is back yet again to try and convince people that she is happier than all the married moms out there because she's single and childless.

Chelsea Handler Brags Again About Being "Child-Free"

Jedediah Bila, YouTuber and podcaster, called out Handler for discouraging women from marriage and motherhood and instead opting in for a lonely life where they end up "red-faced and puffy from too much wine." Handler posts a video as a response in which she pops open a bottle of champagne and cracks a few jokes about how much fun her life is without children. She then references Professor Paul Dolan at the London School of Economics, who apparently released some research claiming that "women who are single with no children are happiest." She said that traditional symbols of success, such as marriage and motherhood, aren't tied to happiness amongst women.

"If you don't believe me, just ask this happily married mom of four how things are working out for her," Handler continues, showing a picture of Rep. Lauren Boebert filing for divorce from her husband.

"Oh and don't worry, Jedediah, this wine won't make me red or puffy. Since I don't have kids to pay for, I have extra money and I bought a hyperbaric chamber so it's great for my skin and circulation, so I can just drink and do as many drugs as I want and then I come in here and flip it and reverse it."

But it turns out the study that Handler referenced (which is pretty much the only study that claims single, childless women are happier) isn't really that reliable.

News outlets worldwide were ablaze with reports based on behavioral scientist Paul Dolan's controversial claim: that married women who assert they're happy are, in reality, deceiving themselves. He posited that women would find greater contentment in life if they abstained from marriage and children altogether. Dolan's assertions, drawn from his book "Happy Ever After," were hinged on the American Time Use Survey, yet it was soon discovered that he had profoundly misunderstood the survey's structure.

The error originated from the category "spouse absent," which Dolan erroneously assumed referred to instances when a spouse had left the room during the survey. However, as pointed out by Gray Kimbrough, an economist at the American University’s School of Public Affairs, this category actually refers to married individuals whose partners are no longer living in the same household.

Upon discovery of his misinterpretation, Dolan acknowledged his error, stating that his interpretation of the term was incorrect. He swiftly contacted the Guardian for an amendment and his editor for necessary adjustments in his book. Despite this setback, he claimed that his central argument — that marriage generally benefits men more than women — remains valid.

This stance, however, is also contested by Kimbrough, who asserts that a superficial scrutiny of the evidence would quickly dismantle Dolan's other claims. This incident underscores a troubling trend where well-regarded researchers, even with their perceived prestige, make glaring errors in their published works. Such inaccuracies, often not discovered until post-publication, can have severe ramifications, as they mislead the public and potentially perpetuate misinformation.

Kimbrough suggests that the Dolan situation could have been worse if the data used were not publicly available. The fact that Kimbrough was able to access and analyze the original data, pinpointing the discrepancy, highlights the importance of transparency in research. This incident serves as a potent reminder that despite an expert's reputation, any single-source claim, especially if it's sensational, should be approached with skepticism and careful consideration.

Of course Handler blindly latched onto this unreliable study and used it as if it were a fact, when all the other research that has ever been conducted shows that married mothers are the happiest, healthiest demographic, especially when compared to single women who never had any children. The same goes for men and fathers. That doesn't mean that you are doomed to a lifetime of unhappiness if you are single, but it does mean that generally, women are happier if they fall in love and have a family rather than being exclusively wedded to their career.

It's also worth pointing out that Handler calls herself "child-free" or "childless," but this isn't because she never got pregnant. It's because the two times she was pregnant, she ended the lives of her children in the womb. She has always been open about her abortions and even bragged about them, claiming that they helped her reach a certain level of success in her life. Sadly, this has become a popular trend. More and more women claim that aborting their babies is something to be proud of, when it is actually the most devastating choice they may ever make in their life.

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