65 Feminine Wardrobe Essentials To Survive Fall Semester
Getting a jump on packing for fall semester? Whether you’re planning rush outfits to make the perfect first impression on your future sorority sisters or you’re hoping to steal the attention of that cute guy you know will be on campus, we’ve got you covered.

Unless you’re content to wear oversized hoodies and biker shorts everyday to class, college outfits can be tricky. On the one hand, you need to choose items that are practical and comfortable enough for long days in study hall and walking (or ahem, sprinting) to class, but on the other hand, we’re not just at college for learning, are we? We want to look put together in order to feel confident about our interactions, from meeting new friends to impressing professors, potential future husbands, and everything in between. That’s where having some go-to feminine wardrobe essentials comes in clutch.
Let’s take a look at 65 feminine closet staples that will ensure you not only survive fall semester, but become the girl everyone on campus can’t help but emulate.