
6 Effective Comfort Measures For When You’re Sick

However much of a positive person you are, when you’re sick, life seems to suck, right?

By Anna Hugoboom3 min read
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Even though you may take all the preventative measures you can to stay well and avoid catching whatever plague is circulating in your group of people, sometimes you just catch it. Then you can’t do much or think about much except that you feel gross. However, who says you have to just deal with it? If your body is sick, it needs some love and care.

Even if you successfully stayed strong against a Covid-19 variant, you might have the flu or simply a bad case of seasonal allergies. Whether it’s viral or bacterial, your immune system is under attack. Being sick is a stressor to your system, so you need to relax and destress yourself. Your senses are overwhelmed by the symptoms created by your body to signal the compromise in your health balance. So, responding to those symptoms with soothing/medicinal smells and feels can help calm and relax our senses while recharging our immune system. 

Of course, remember to hydrate like crazy; water helps flush out toxins and drain sinus congestion, helping you physically feel better. In addition to any immunity drinks or vitamins you take, here are a few things you can do to relieve body pains and soothe your system.


Aromatherapy is very popular in natural medicine and is widely practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Essential oils are examples of medicinal aromatherapy and can be used in many ways: sprinkled in a bath, diffused in an EO diffuser, mixed into face scrubs or lotions, and even as perfume roll-ons. Besides having a comforting and relaxing effect on your nervous system, many essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties that promote healing. Some specifically help clear the respiratory system, some calm the nervous system, some strengthen the immune system, and some are effective for all three systems. Some of the most popular medicinal essential oils include eucalyptus, thyme, lavender, lemon, mint, ginger, and tea tree (strong but very effective).

Many essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties that promote healing.

Hydrotherapy, i.e. Take a Bath 

When does a bath ever not feel good? That’s because water has healing properties and benefits the body in multiple ways. Hydrotherapy is very remedial and has been practiced for centuries, and studies show both hot and cold water can have beneficial effects on the body. Submerging your body in water relaxes the brain, the nervous system, and the muscles, joints, and bones, thus making you feel calm and restful. Bathing also rejuvenates the skin, the circulatory and respiratory systems, and helps sweat toxins out of the body. 

Not only does a warm bath make the blood flow more easily, it also makes it more oxygenated by allowing you to breathe deeper and slower, particularly when taking in steam. Taking a hot bath (or sitting in a sauna) can kill bacteria, improve immunity, and relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu. Basically, baths feel great and are great for you! Make your bath time an extra soothing experience and light some candles, toss in a bath bomb, maybe swirl in some essential oils. Calming water sounds or spa music make it even better!

Get a Lymphatic Massage

When you’re sick, you have the right to treat yourself to something that feels this good and is so good for you! Massage distracts your brain from sick pains and forces your nerves to relax. Plus, lymphatic massage helps drain congestion through the lymphatics and relieve aches. You can ask the masseuse to turn on water music or nature sounds (if at home, you can even have your EO diffuser ready and steaming). Try to empty your mind and focus on how the massage feels, or you can even visualize beautiful scenes of nature to distract and calm your brain.


It may be the last thing we want to do when we’re feeling under the weather, but moving your body even slowly will help stimulate circulation and move your lymphatics which tend to get sluggish and bottled up when you’re sick. Trainers say activities such as deep and purposeful breathing, stretching, and low to moderate intensity workouts such as walking – in proportion to your symptoms – can help, not hinder, your recovery. We will most likely end up feeling sicker if our bodies are stagnant and not draining properly to flush out toxins. Stretching specifically helps relax the nervous system, ensures healthy circulation, and relieves the soreness that can haunt our limbs in lieu of healthy energy.

We’ll end up feeling sicker if our bodies are stagnant and not draining properly to flush out toxins.

Relax with a Chill Movie

Sometimes it hurts to read or is hard to focus on anything, and watching something helps distract your mind from your sick pains. After all, it’s super cozy to snuggle up with a blanket and watch a movie with a warm mug of tea! So, here’s an excuse to do so, even if it’s in the middle of the day (when you’re sick, there’s definitely no judgment).

Go to Bed Early

It’s often hard to sleep well at night when you’re sick or sinus allergies are dominating your focus, but quality sleep is key to restoring your immunity and getting better. Healthline studies confirm that sleeping when you’re sick is essential for your recovery. Sleep helps to boost your immune system, so you can fight off your illness more effectively. Your body knows what it needs, so it’s okay if you sleep a lot when you’re sick, especially in the early stages. Dim the lights after sunset and turn off your phone early in the evening (or at least turn it on night mode) so your natural melatonin can set in. Take vitamin supplements like herbal passionflower, ashwagandha, and/or magnesium to ensure a deep sleep, or pop a melatonin or Benadryl if you’d rather. You can take your supplements with a sleep tea such as chamomile (one of my personal favorites is the Yogi Elderberry Immune tea with ashwagandha and lemon balm).

Closing Thoughts

Getting sick shouldn’t doom you to feeling the worst you possibly can. Taking care of yourself with comforting, medical remedies that are soothing and restorative will help you feel better as well as heal. These simple comfort measures just need a tad bit of effort for a whole lot of progress. This is a time when your body is screaming, “hello, take care of yourself,” so it’s okay to drop anchor and pamper your needs a bit. It’s more than okay; it’s necessary. 

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