
20 Beautiful Facts About Women You Probably Don’t Know

Everyday at Evie, we pride ourselves on celebrating what makes women unique and wonderful, but since femininity is having a resurgence in the broader culture right now, we wanted to dedicate this article to a few things you may not yet know about what specifically makes us so special.

By Simone Sydel5 min read
Pexels/Marián Šicko

From being able to experience a broader range of emotions to feminine intuition, let’s explore some incredible aspects of being a woman.

1. Women's Hearts Beat Faster Than Men's

A woman's heart is typically smaller than a man's, causing it to beat at a faster rate to pump blood effectively throughout her body. This rapid heartbeat distributes oxygen and nutrients throughout the body more efficiently, allowing women to have a higher metabolism and potentially more energy than men.

2. Women Have a Keener Sense of Smell

Women generally have a more acute sense of smell than men, which has been linked to evolutionary survival instincts as well as hormone fluctuations. This heightened sense can detect subtle changes in the environment, providing an advantage in identifying risks and nurturing others. Additionally, hormones like estrogen and progesterone can also affect a woman's sense of smell, making her more sensitive to certain aromas during different phases of her menstrual cycle.

On the flip side, a poor sense of smell can often be linked to underlying health conditions such as hormonal imbalances, as well as neurological disorders in women.

3. Women Are More Likely To Be Right-Handed

Statistics show that women are more likely to be right-handed. While a number of genes or genetic pathways have been proposed as involved in hand preference, no genetic mechanisms or biological processes that lead to right-handedness or left-handedness have been identified. However, studies suggest that prenatal hormone exposure may be a factor in the development of hand preference, with higher levels of testosterone influencing left-handedness.

4. Women Have a More Finely Tuned Sense of Touch

Research suggests that women tend to have a more acute sense of touch, attributed to a smaller finger size and a higher density of touch receptors in the skin. This sensitivity not only enhances tactile experiences but also contributes to emotional and physical connections.

5. Women's Skin Ages Differently Than Men's

Women have higher estrogen levels, which helps maintain the skin's elasticity, while testosterone, which is more predominant in men, causes the skin to be thicker and more resilient with more collagen abundance.

However, while men have higher collagen density than women, they tend to lose it at a constant rate throughout their adult lives, while women lose less collagen when they're young and more when they hit menopause. This difference illustrates the unique aspects of women's health and aging, as well as the importance of understanding and addressing these differences in skincare and overall health.

6. Women Have a Stronger Immune System

The female body has a more robust immune response compared to the male body, largely due to the X chromosome, which carries a broader diversity of immune-related genes. Additionally, women tend to show greater antibody responses than men, as well as higher basal immunoglobulin levels and higher B cell numbers, an advantage that makes them better equipped to fend off infections and diseases.

7. Women Are Better at Remembering Faces and Words

Studies suggest that women excel in memory tasks, particularly those involving words and faces. This skill is thought to stem from both evolutionary adaptations and the structure of the female brain.

Additionally, some researchers suggest that women's better performance in face recognition stems from our ability to focus more attention on the face region and our better attention to detail in general, likely stemming from our role as caregivers and nurturers.

8. Women's Bodies Are Designed to Survive Extreme Conditions

Women's bodies have a higher fat content due to estrogen hormones. This not only aids in fertility but also provides better insulation and energy reserves in harsh conditions. Estrogen has also been found to enhance the immune system and protect against a broad set of diseases, while testosterone has immunosuppressive effects. Our genetic makeup might give us a slight advantage when it comes to survival as well, with women having two X chromosomes while men have only one, which can result in greater genetic diversity and resilience in women or a backup if one X chromosome is defective.

9. Women Can Perceive More Colors

Men not being able to differentiate between lavender and periwinkle nail polish may not just be an online joke, after all. Multiple studies have proven that even when compared to men who have not been diagnosed with color blindness, women seem to be able to distinguish between colors more easily, allowing us to more accurately identify the color of an object that may be between two similar hues.

10. Women Have a Wider Peripheral Vision Than Men

Women not only have greater color vision but also a wider peripheral vision than men, with many women's peripheral vision being effective up to almost 180 degrees. This is because in the old days, when women were gatherers, better peripheral vision made it easier to spot more static items such as wild berries. Furthermore, spotting wild fruits and determining whether they're edible based on the slight shade variations might be another evolutionary reason why our color-distinguishing abilities are more accurate than men's.

11. Women Excel in Language and Communication Skills

Psychologists, educators, and parents have long observed that from an early age, girls typically develop language and communication skills faster than boys. This proficiency in verbal expression and understanding is thought to be due to a combination of factors, such as differences in brain structure, particularly when forming emotional connections and building relationships, which are usually stronger in women than in men.

12. Women Can Influence Their Baby's Health Before Birth

Through lifestyle choices, especially during the prenatal period, a mother can have an impact on not only her own health but also on her baby's. Studies show that a woman's diet, physical exercise, and stress levels during pregnancy can affect her child's health and development, from birth weight to the risk of chronic diseases later in life. A woman's body will also produce different hormones depending on her diet, which can impact the baby's hormone levels in utero.

13. Women Are More Likely to Volunteer

Research shows that women are nearly 50% more likely to engage in volunteer work than men, reflecting our tendency toward caregiving and nurturing roles and the desire to build relationships and create connections through community work.

14. Women's Dreams and Intuitions Are Deeply Intertwined

Women often report a strong connection between their dreams and intuitions, with dreams offering insights into subconscious thoughts, emotions, and desires. While not scientifically proven, many women have reported experiencing premonitions through dreams or intuitive feelings, highlighting the powerful connection between our subconscious and conscious minds. This phenomenon has been studied in various spiritual traditions and is believed to be a unique manifestation of feminine energy and wisdom.

15. Women's Bodies Adapt To Sync with Natural Cycles

Women who spend a lot of time together may find their menstrual cycles syncing up, a phenomenon known as the McClintock Effect. This aligning of their menstrual cycle evidences the female body’s unique ability to sync with lunar and seasonal cycles, affecting mood, energy levels, and even fertility. This connection to natural cycles highlights the intricate role that women play in nature and their body's response to environmental cues, even when that is not consciously perceived.

16. Women Have a Unique Ability To Sense Changes in Their Environment

Often referred to as a "sixth sense," women possess a heightened awareness of changes in their immediate surroundings, even if these are not immediately detectable with the eye. This heightened intuition is thought to be linked to higher levels of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for social bonding and empathy, which allows women to notice subtle changes when it comes to the well-being of others and predict the needs of their children while also making us more attuned to potential threats or dangers.

17. The Female Brain Is Wired for Empathy

Neurological studies have found that women typically have a higher capacity for empathy, attributed to both structural and functional differences in the brain. This empathetic wiring fosters strong connections, nurturing, and understanding, enriching relationships and communities.

18. Women Experience a Wider Range of Emotions

Research suggests that women can experience and express a broader spectrum of emotions than men due to hormonal influences and brain structure, particularly the utilization of more areas of the brain containing mirror neurons than men when they process emotions. This emotional depth allows for rich experiences and expressions of joy, love, sorrow, and empathy, adding color and texture to life's tapestry, even if it sometimes comes at the cost of heightened emotional vulnerability.

19. Women's Bodies Are Designed for Incredible Transformations

From the remarkable changes during each cycle to pregnancy to the ability to nourish a newborn, the female body is capable of extraordinary transformations. Women's bodies are also resilient and can adapt to changing conditions, whether it be puberty, menopause, or physical challenges, including the ability to survive extreme conditions.

20. Women Have a Unique Relationship with Water

Historically and across many cultures, women have been strongly associated with water, being both responsible for gathering and managing this vital resource that also symbolically represents life, fertility, and nourishment. In modern times, women continue to play an essential role in advocating for clean water and conservation efforts, highlighting their innate connection to this precious resource.

Closing Thoughts

While the list could go on, these are just a few examples of how women are unique and remarkable beings. From our biological makeup to our emotional depth, intuition, and ability to adapt and transform, women truly embody strength, resilience, and infinite potential. As we celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month, let us remember these qualities and continue to uplift and empower one another.

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