
Trans Rights Undermine Women’s Rights Everywhere They're Imposed

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court passed a historic ruling on sex and gender identity in the workplace. It's been lauded as a huge win for the transgender community. But a win at what cost?

By Molly Farinholt3 min read
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We will not be discussing the dangerous fact that the Court purposefully changed the interpretation of sex in the 1964 Civil Rights act from a definition of biological sex to one of gender identity. What we're going to focus on is what the increasing push to eliminate biological sex as a means of identifying people in favor of a focus on subjective "gender identity." In a society that has room for lots of types of people, we should be able to accommodate a small number of people who don't fit into traditional gender roles. But when those accommodations come at the cost of women being able to retain their long-fought-for rights, it becomes a separate issue.

For centuries, women in this country have fought for equal rights with men, including their own sports, their own social spaces, and legislation that specifically protects women from violence. Today, these gains are being threatened by radical transgender ideology. The activists behind the movement seek to remove all vestiges of "biological sex" from the law, instead allowing people to self-identify as the gender of their preference. This has resulted in the dissolution of women's only spaces, in an effort to be "inclusive."

There will be those who dismiss the arguments laid out here as "transphobic." Not only is that not the intent, but dismissing the concerns as a "phobia" denigrates the real concerns many women feel about this movement. A phobia is defined as an "irrational" fear of something, meaning the fear isn't warranted or justified. As is evidenced by the examples given in this article, women have every right to be seriously concerned.

Unfair Competition in Women’s Sports

That men and women are biologically different is undisputable scientific fact. These differences are highlighted in the athletic arena, which is why competition has historically been divided along gender lines. Studies have proven that men have 30-40% more muscle mass than women, different bone structure, and more lean mass (among other things). Such physical contrasts naturally impact athletic performance.

If biological males who identify as women are consistently allowed to compete in female competition, women will quickly be edged out - as already seen in Connecticut, where two transgender sprinters took first and second place in female events at the state indoor track meet. At least 16 other states allow transgender athletes to compete without restrictions.

If biological males who identify as women are consistently allowed to compete in female competition, women will quickly be edged out.

Victories and scholarships for deserving female athletes are at stake. The opportunities afforded female athletes by Title IX are being infringed upon.

Unsafe Facilities

The safety of bathrooms, locker rooms, domestic violence shelters, and other sex-specific facilities would also be jeopardized with such a bill. A college in Washington already witnessed the horrors of shared locker rooms when a 45-year-old biological male undressed in the women’s locker room, exposing himself to teenage girls on a high school swim team. In Georgia, a transgender student assaulted a 5-year-old girl in the elementary school girls’ bathroom (into which he was permitted entry by the school’s non-discrimination policy).

Victims will be more hesitant to report such crimes for fear of being accused of discrimination.

Such policies do nothing to protect women and young girls from becoming the victims of predators who “identify as women.” Victims may also be more hesitant to report such crimes for fear of being accused of discrimination.

Harming Young Girls

There has been a massive push in the medical community to normalize hormonal treatment and surgeries for youth with gender dysphoria. Some are arguing that the state should have the final say on such matters if parents don't consent to their child’s treatment.

The vast majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria after puberty.

A clinical psychologist explains that clinical practice guidelines recommend treating females with gender dysphoria at age 10. This is especially alarming given that the vast majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria after puberty and such early treatment could cause irreversible effects on future fertility. (Growing out of gender dysphoria makes sense biologically because in the first two years of life babies have almost adult levels of sex hormones, which then decrease during childhood to the point where boys and girls have about the same level of testosterone. When puberty hits, the body is again hit with a massive dose of gender specific sex hormones.) But now, young girls could decide - without consent from their parents - that they desire medical interventions that would irreparably damage their bodies.

Shutting Down Charities

Adoption and foster care agencies in numerous states have already been shut down due to the gender identity laws of those states. The affected agencies had taken the stance that a child needs both a mother and a father. Their policies were deemed discriminatory and cited as a cause for closing.

Adoption and foster care agencies in numerous states have already been shut down due to gender identity laws.

In Alaska, an inebriated biological male was barred access to a shelter for abused women. He proceeded to sue the center for discrimination. Charities may be stripped of their rights and shut down, leaving countless people without the help they need.

Closing Thoughts

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation and banned discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. It ensured equality for all and penalized none. The Supreme Court's ruling now guarantees the opposite: Inequality for those who hold differing beliefs and for women whose sexual identity is being blurred by the recognition of biological males who have chosen to negate science and identify as females.

One group’s rights should never infringe upon another group’s. When that happens, that’s a red flag that something is amiss, unnatural, and - simply put - wrong. Women need to fight for the preservation of their rights and the sanctity and protection of their sex. We cannot and will not be sacrificed for the sake of political correctness.