The War On Nuclear Families Is A War On Women And Children
The traditional family structure has been collapsing for quite some time.

Some organizations like BLM aren’t shy about broadcasting the fact that they want the demise of the traditional nuclear family, whereas others, like the UN, are less transparent about their agenda to dismantle the family as the basic building block of society.
Sexual Freedom and the Dismantling of the Family
Removing sexuality from the family context is where the problem begins. In a recent podcast interview, Kimberly Ells, a policy adviser for Family Watch International and author of the new book, The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win, explained the anti-family agenda promoted by the United Nations.
In the course of her work at the UN, Ells discovered that “sexual activism is rampant” within the UN. She found that many were pushing the idea of sexual rights for children and that this agenda was “being pushed by International Planned Parenthood and other organizations, but it seemed to be systemic at the United Nations.”
She described the socialist ideologies that drive the practices of the UN, which after all would love nothing more than to be the international governing body. This socialist ideology inherently diminishes the role of the family, replacing it with government. This disturbing sexual agenda fits in here because “there’s an inherent power in the family, which isn’t often given the recognition that it should, but it’s there. And fathers and mothers in concert produce life, they produce their children, and then they raise their children. And they teach their children the values that they want them to live by.”
Anyone who wants to have power in the world knows that you have to get to the young.
If a society wants to educate beginning in the earliest years, it must remove the familial setting from which values and beliefs originate. Ells points out that “if there’s an outside source, outside of the family, that wants to really take control and have more power, what do they need to do? They need to break down the unit of the family in order to usurp the power that the family naturally has. It makes sense because, as anyone knows, anyone who wants to have power in the world knows that you have to get to the young. Guess where the young begin? They begin in the family.”
Separating sex from family contributes to breaking down the family.
The power to educate about sex is transferred from parents to governments. Sex is removed from the family, thus weakening the structure of family itself. Ells says that “when you present sex to children [in a way] that is not connected to family, even though sex is the very thing that creates people and creates families and family connection, then you win a huge victory for dismantling the family. If you can couch sex as something that is simply just a fun activity that’s not family-centric, then you’ve really gotten to the root of weakening the family and helping children focus on their own pleasure rather than on their responsibilities in society, seeking out stable commitments, and seeking marriage and family.”
If you can couch sex as just a fun activity, then you’ve really gotten to the root of weakening the family.
Although it starts with redefining the purpose of sex, it eventually bleeds into other aspects of modern ideas that get branded as a means to “equality.”
Socialism and the Dismantling of the Family
The ideals of socialism have become more and more prominent, and most people don’t realize the far-reaching implications these policies and ideas truly have.
Ells says that socialism, sexual radicalism, and feminism have all become intertwined. Although socialism promises equality, it eventually “corrupts that idea, and it has from the very start, [been] framing the family as an enemy to equality because different situations exist in different families.” In order to truly achieve equality, you have to destroy the family so differences don’t exist. The problem is that “if you’re going to take socialism to its full conclusion, you have to, in a sense, achieve equality by destroying the family so that there can’t be all these differences being taught.”
You have to achieve equality by destroying the family so there aren’t all these differences being taught.
By this argument, the family inherently drains, rather than provides power, and women are forced to look outside the family if they want influence and power. Ells states that the grand goal is to “convince people at large if we want to have equality, then we can’t have families.”
Socialism’s claims about equality have already been proven false.
But there’s a glaring problem with this train of thought. If destroying the family was really the way to equality, wouldn’t we already be seeing evidence of that equality among the many who already don’t have stable or traditional families? These individuals lack the foundational and consistent family structure, which according to the socialist ideology, should produce and promote equality, but that just isn’t happening.
After all, it isn’t the governments or “villages” that teach virtues and the rules of life, but rather the mothers and fathers: “It used to be the expected place of parents to teach self-regulation, to teach patience, to teach self-control, to teach basics – to teach the lessons of history that support all of these good and positive, productive characteristics. And I think we have let go of that far too much.”
These anti-family policies don’t produce the equality and increase of opportunity they claim they will.
Not only will government and policies fail to be a suitable replacement for family units, but these anti-family policies don’t even produce the equality and increase of opportunity they claim they will.
The Dismantling of the Family Promotes neither Equality nor Opportunity
In 1962, 71% of women ages 15-44 were married. By 2019, this was down to 42%. In the 1960s, less than 1% of couples living together were not married. Today, it’s over 12%.
And the percentage of births to unmarried women has risen from 5% in 1960 to 40% in 2018. In 1970, 85% of children lived with two parents. By 2019, this was down to 70%.
The question isn’t whether the family has become less stable; the question is why has the family become less stable, and more importantly, have the effects we’ve seen been positive or negative? Changes in values have arguably contributed to this steady decline. But have these new practices empowered women and allowed people to rise above the economic class they were born into, as the UN policies supposedly purport?
Families — far more than schools — create or inhibit life opportunities.
Nobel Prize-winning University of Chicago economist James Heckman observed: “The main barriers to developing effective policies for income and social mobility is fear of honest engagement in the changes in the American family and the consequences it has wrought...The family is the source of life and growth. Families build values, encourage (or discourage) their children in school and out. Families — far more than schools — create or inhibit life opportunities.”
Closing Thoughts
There’s an active effort to break apart the traditional family, and it would be one thing if, in some twisted way, it actually made the lives of those it targeted better. But the fact is that these ideas hurt only the poorest and most vulnerable of our societies, and it remains that the family is the true source of equality, care, and opportunity.