The Cowards Of Silicon Valley Desperate To Be Right
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Once upon a time, the tech titans of Silicon Valley reveled in their status as the anointed gatekeepers of “progress.” Zuckerberg, Sam Altman, and their ilk were the darlings of woke San Francisco, pouring millions into progressive causes, censoring conservatives, and throwing every algorithmic wrench they could at Donald Trump and his supporters

In recent months, tech leaders Zuckerberg and Altman have shifted their public stances, expressing support for President Donald Trump after years of fierce slander and censorship.
Back then, these power-tripping dweebs shaped the narrative, silenced dissent, and basked in their perceived intellectual superiority. But now that the political tides have turned with Trump's crushing victory, these Silicon Valley “geniuses” are falling over themselves to rewrite their reputations. Suddenly, they’re trying to get cozy with the people they once happily suppressed.
Zuckerberg’s Desperation
Take Mark Zuckerberg, for instance. This is the man who funneled half a billion dollars into “election integrity” efforts that just so happened to overwhelmingly favor Democrats in 2020. Through grants to local election offices, disproportionately directed at blue strongholds, Zuckerberg's “philanthropy” played a pivotal role in shaping the electoral landscape.
His pivot towards Trump is as transparent as it is pathetic. He's tried to paint himself as a victim, claiming the Biden-Harris administration "coerced" him into suppressing certain information on Meta-owned platforms. He’s admitted to playing along with government overreach because he was apparently too "scared" to resist.
Think about that for a moment. A man with billions of dollars, unprecedented control over the digital public square, and an army of lawyers at his disposal says he caved because he didn’t want to ruffle feathers? Doubtful. More likely, Zuckerberg was happy to oblige and is only pivoting because the power has shifted out of his favor. Even if his story is true, "It wasn’t my fault, I was just following orders" is the ultimate excuse of the unprincipled—someone who had the power to do the right thing but chose the path of least resistance instead.
Zuckerberg’s sob story about being coerced by the Biden-Harris administration doesn’t absolve him of anything; it damns him further. If he truly believed the government was overreaching, he could have stood up to them. He could have taken legal action and exposed the coercion. But he did none of those things. Instead, he complied, and in doing so, he betrayed the very principles of free speech and fairness that his platform was supposed to uphold.
And his so-called olive branch? A laughable million-dollar check to conservative initiatives. That’s right—a million dollars. From a man whose net worth is north of $100 billion, it’s less than a rounding error. It’s the equivalent of tossing pocket lint at a problem he helped create, expecting the public to applaud his “courage.”
Best case scenario, Zuck's a cowardly opportunist with no real backbone or principles who can be bent to the will of whoever's in charge. Worst case scenario, he actually believes idiotic progressive talking points, and he's just trying to save his career. Either, it's a very bad look for Zuckerberg and the people falling for his sudden "transformation."
Sam Altman: Another Snake in the Grass
Then there’s Sam Altman, OpenAI’s golden boy. He was at the forefront of building AI systems that leaned heavily into progressive talking points. ChatGPT, for example, became infamous for its ideological bias, sparking outrage among conservatives who saw their perspectives ignored or outright dismissed by the platform.
Now that the culture is shifting, Altman is conveniently trying to play nice, signaling that he’s suddenly above politics and interested in fairness. But fairness wasn’t a priority when his AI tools were reinforcing leftist narratives and silencing alternative voices. Like Zuckerberg, Altman is scrambling to get on the “popular” side, hoping people won’t connect the dots.
Altman also has a long-time political operator who funneled substantial time, effort, and funding into defeating Donald Trump. His contributions to Democratic causes weren’t just passive donations; Altman openly praised people like Reid Hoffman for their involvement in funding misinformation efforts, including the widely discredited rape lawsuit against Trump. Altman was all-in for the progressive machine, using his influence and wealth to push a partisan agenda under the guise of being “on the right side of history.”
Now, with Trump back in power and the political winds shifting, Altman is attempting a public rebrand. Suddenly, he’s trying to cozy up to conservatives, framing himself as a victim of the very forces he once supported. In a manipulative move, Altman is complaining that the left is now "targeting" him, openly admitting that he bankrolled Democratic initiatives for years.
This clearly isn’t about a sincere change of heart—it’s about survival. He sees the growing cultural and political dominance of the conservative movement and doesn't want to lose. But let’s not forget: this is the same man who helped build the ideological machinery that stifled free speech, suppressed conservative voices, and fueled narratives that tore our country apart.
A Pattern of Cowardice
This isn’t just about Zuckerberg or Altman. It’s a pattern for Silicon Valley elites. The tech world is teeming with people like just them—snakes pretending to switch sides now that the right has gained significant momentum. Their goal isn’t to contribute meaningfully to the movement but to protect their influence.
When progressivism was in vogue, they were its most zealous evangelists, banning conservatives from platforms, de-platforming dissenters, and virtue-signaling to high heaven. They were the gatekeepers of information, deciding who got to speak and who didn’t, all while pouring billions into the machinery of woke ideology.
Now, they see where the cultural winds are blowing, and they’re desperate to stay relevant. They want to be liked, to be seen as forward-thinking, to be on the “right side” of history, even if it means turning their backs on everything they previously championed.
Spineless Billionaires Shouldn't Get a Pass
Elon Musk risked his businesses, reputation, and safety to fight for his personal convictions long before they were mainstream, unlike these spineless opportunists who don't have enough real conviction to stand on their principles—if they even have any. They want you to forget the damage they’ve done—the free speech they stifled, the elections they meddled in, the algorithms they weaponized. But many of us have not forgotten.
Paying the Price
The right doesn’t need fair-weather allies looking to save face; it needs principled people who stand firm in their beliefs, even when it’s inconvenient.
Tossing breadcrumbs at conservatives while whining about past mistakes isn’t enough. If they want redemption, they need to own their role in shaping one of the most divisive periods in modern history. They'll also need to prove they’re willing to be part of the solution and not just opportunists chasing relevance.