
Sarah Brady Leaks More "Intimate Texts" From Jonah Hill And Further Proves She's The Bad Guy In This Situation

First, she accused him of being "emotionally abusive." Now she's sharing even more of his text messages to claim that he was "gaslighting" her.

By Gina Florio3 min read
Getty/Mike Coppola

Professional surfer Sarah Brady, ex-girlfriend of actor Jonah Hill, has intensified her campaign against him. After previously accusing him of "emotional abuse," she has continued her tirade and released more of their private messages on social media. Brady, 26, unveiled a series of screenshot exchanges between her and Hill, 39, whom she alleged had been "sexting" her shortly before he was seen with another woman, currently his girlfriend, Olivia Millar, who just gave birth to their first child. These revelations come after Brady had earlier blamed the actor for being abusive and agreeing with others who called him a misogynist.

Sarah Brady Leaks More "Intimate Texts" from Jonah Hill and Further Proves She's the Bad Guy in This Situation

In the shared text exchange from last August, Hill explained to Brady that he had begun seeing another woman, presumably Millar. Brady then posted a paparazzi photo of Hill and Millar in which the media incorrectly identified her as Brady, requesting that Hill fix the mistake.

"Can you just let your publicist know that ain't me? trying to start a career over here," she wrote.

She also demanded that Hill make Millar aware of his recent flirtatious and intimate exchanges with her. The situation escalated when Brady shared a text from July 2022 that implied an erotic context. Hill initially denied the alleged sexting until confronted with evidence. "Yes, we sexted two months ago," the actor confessed.

Hill expressed feeling "incredibly hurt" by Brady's actions, considering them a "huge triggering violation" and breach of trust. He further indicated that the public exposure had re-triggered trauma from recent incidents of breached trust with friends. Before this latest exchange, Brady had uploaded a voice memo stating she waited until Millar, Hill’s current girlfriend, had given birth last month before revealing anything, in order to avoid causing stress.

In the private messages from August 2022, Hill suggested that Brady might be acting out of jealousy. "I'm sorry if a former partner moving on is painful and I empathize with that," he wrote. "But I have done nothing wrong and if I wasn't a public person I wouldn't face this kind of violation and having shared that with you and then watching you be like this today shatters my ability to trust any body [sic] even further. I have always shown you kindness and support."

Hill said he treated Brady "beautifully" and he even apologized for hurting her. "All I want in life is to be a family person and start a family so that is and will be my immediate goal. I respect that yours is your career and respect it deeply. I hope we both get what we want," he wrote in another text.

Brady had earlier accused Hill of gaslighting and emotional abuse, warning other women against tolerating such behaviors from their partners. She shared an alleged text exchange where she agreed to Hill's demand of removing any photos that made him uncomfortable, including her surfing pictures or ones featuring her in a thong. She countered another screenshot of Hill accusing her of "using" him, suggesting his comments were a classic example of gaslighting. Moreover, Brady showcased Hill defining his boundaries in their relationship, including restrictions on her surfing with men, maintaining friendships with certain individuals, modeling, and posting bathing suit or "sexual" photos.

Even though there were many people who supported Brady and agree with her accusations, others pointed out that Hill's boundaries were not abusive at all. In fact, they were articulate and fair. Hill even told Brady at the end of that particular exchange that she is more than welcome to move on and they can call it quits. Brady clearly wanted to make Hill seem toxic and abusive, and she waited until he welcomed his first child into the world with a new girlfriend before she leaked their private messages.

As a result, Hill has been "cancelled" by mainstream standards and multiple people are calling him a sexist, misogynist, abuser, etc. Meanwhile, Brady is benefitting from the whole situation and has gained thousands of new followers on her Instagram page. She desperately wants to make Hill seem like the villain, but most people can see that she is actually the bad guy in this situation. She's the toxic one who is out for blood, determined to ruin a man's life because she was unhappy with how their breakup went. She's the one who is intentionally attempting to forever blacken the sacred experience of welcoming one's first child into the world. Nobody acts perfectly in a breakup, and there are surely things that Hill has done that he regrets (and has apologized for), but the actions that Brady has taken are in a completely different league of revenge.

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