Rapper M.I.A. Converts To Christianity, Designs Clothing To Block 5G And Surveillance
M.I.A. is now a Christian and proud founder of OHMNI, a clothing line that protects wearers from 5G radiation and facial recognition.

The British rapper and singer, best known for hits like Paper Planes, has undergone a religious transformation and is a born-again Christian. She’s also launched a clothing line designed to protect people from 5G waves and facial recognition technology.
"I Had a Vision of Jesus Christ"
M.I.A. says her conversion to Christianity wasn’t just a slow ideological shift was a supernatural event. “I had a vision and I saw the vision of Jesus Christ,” she told Zane Lowe in 2022. “It’s a very crazy thing because it turned my world upside down.”
For someone who was raised Tamil and Hindu, the experience was, as she put it, “weird for America to process.” She described it as a radical shift in her worldview. “The history is, even if it costs me my career, I won’t lie. I will tell the truth, and I will tell you what’s on my mind and my heart.”
Of course, that truth hasn’t exactly been embraced with open arms. “The fact that the biggest backlash in my career and life I’m facing after saying ‘Jesus is real’ is such a revelation to me,” she tweeted. “People who control these apps rather me be a bad girl, than a good one.”
M.I.A.’s music has always been political and controversial. As we know, she’s made music about war, migration, and surveillance. Knowing this, it’s not at all surprising that her next big venture is an act of rebellion. OHMNI, her new clothing line, is described as “the armor of the modern knight in the age of modern technological warfare.”
Her garments are made with pure silver and “Original Silver Street Shield” textiles, reportedly providing “99.999% shielding effectiveness” from electromagnetic waves. There are also boxers that she says “protect testosterone and boost fertility,” and phone cases that claim to cut “all Wi-Fi and data, making your devices untrackable and unhackable.”
For those skeptical of the science, M.I.A. has a simple response: “If the conspiracy theorists are wrong, good for you, you own some beautiful clothes made with pure silver and precious metals. But, if they are right, you just might have saved the future of humanity.”
If M.I.A. wasn’t already facing backlash for her religious beliefs and tech paranoia, she went all-in when she started questioning why Alex Jones had to pay nearly a billion dollars for lying, while celebrities who “lied” about the COVID-19 vaccine faced no consequences. “If Alex Jones pays for lying shouldn’t every celebrity pushing vaccines pay too?” she tweeted in 2022.
She kept the tweets coming despite cancel culture’s wrath: “Alex Jones lying and Pfizer lying both trending. One with penalty, other without. If you have no critical thinking faculty, this is about as crazy as we should get before a nuclear war wipe out the human race.”
Naturally, these takes didn’t go over well with everyone – but M.I.A. isn’t backing down.
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