
Influencer Mom Straddles Son At High School Football Game And Then Claims People Are Just Jealous Of Her Life

An influencer named Amber Lund shared a series of photos on her Instagram page featuring her son, who is a high school football player. In one video in particular, she was hugging him on the field and straddling him, raising a lot of questions about a healthy mother-son dynamic.

By Gina Florio4 min read
mom son

In the cult classic Mean Girls, Amy Poehler plays the mother of Regina George, the impossibly beautiful cool girl at school who everyone wants to copy. When her daughter brings home three friends from school, she meets them with mocktails, but also offers alcohol because she would rather they drink in the house than out in public. "I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom!" she says to the girls. Her breast enhancement is freakish and hard as rocks, and she is constantly trying to steal her daughter's limelight at every school function. She dresses inappropriately and wears high heels to every single occasion she goes to. This movie trope is hilarious to watch, but it touches on something very real that many people see in the world of high school: a mother who didn't quite live out her glory years enough as a teenager, and so feels the need to interject herself into her child's social life.

There was a video that went viral on social media featuring a high school football player hugging a blonde woman, who was straddling him and hanging on tight. At first, you can't see the face of the woman, but you assume it's his girlfriend by the way they're embracing. But when the woman jumps down, you see clearly that she looks far too old to be in high school. The woman is his mother, not his girlfriend. The viral clip sparked a heated debate online about what constitutes a healthy relationship between a mother and her son.

Influencer Mom Straddles Son at High School Football Game and TikTok Is Disgusted

The video that first went viral online was of a TikTok stitch; at the end of the video showing the mother straddling her son, a TikToker said, "That's his mom. That's not his girlfriend, that's his mom." Her face of shock was indicative of how we all felt watching. Confusion and disgust and surprise all at once.

At the end of the clip, you can see the son coil away from her out of embarrassment because he realized cameras were recording the interaction. Although the vast majority of the comments were critical of this mother's behavior, there were a few who gave them the benefit of the doubt and urged people to look deeper into the relationship. Maybe there was something going on that we couldn't see, and maybe this was captured by a random person and it wasn't meant to be displayed online. However, it was later discovered that the mother herself asked someone to record this video, and she decided to post it on her Instagram, along with many other photos of her at her high school son's football games.

Her name is Amber Lund, and in her bio on Instagram, she describes herself as a "mom of 1," "single," and a "unicorn." Most of her photos feature her scantily clad, showing her half-naked body in bikini photos, skimpy gym clothes, or extremely low-cut dresses. She advertises herself as a physician assistant and hormone specialist, but her page is anything but professional.

When people comment and suggest that she put some more clothes on, particularly because they are coming to her page with inquiries about her professional services, she responds with accusations of envy.

"Jealous is a b*tch!" she wrote in a reel. "I've experienced people being envious of me my entire life, but damn, some are in desperate need of self-love... There are some deep inner child wounds running amok in our society. Lots of immaturity and hatred."

This was largely in response to the criticism that came from people discovering her video with her son and expressing their concern over a potentially unhealthy and codependent relationship.

In the original video of her straddling her son, she wrote in the caption: "This boy will forever and always have my entire heart. When I walked up to hug my baby boy after his game, he immediately picked me up and just held me. It may have been 20 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, I have no idea. But in this moment, time stood completely still."

She even tagged her son in the post. The language of her caption could easily be used to describe an interaction with a boyfriend, which raised many questions about this mother-son dynamic. After getting so much heat in the comment section, she turned off the ability to comment and wrote her own response:

"For those who clearly are disturbed and have their minds in the gutter about this video, allow me to offer some clarification…
1. My son PICKED ME UP and this video was captured toward the end; I did not jump on him.
2. He and I do have a close and HEALTHY relationship. If you were lose your father to suicide due to alcoholism at the young age of 15, I would hope you would have a mother to be close with."

She added that her son is a "4.0 student, an athlete" and doesn't drink or do drugs. She urged people who took issue with this video to "ask yourself what in the hell is wrong with you that your mind goes there."

However, the rest of her posts indicate that she may in fact be reliving her glory days as the cool high schooler. When she attends her son's football games, she wears skin-tight clothes, low-cut shirts, sky-high heels, and crop tops. Many people in the comment section are asking her why she can't show a little more restraint in the midst of so many minors. She has responded to many of the comments with a kiss face emoji and sarcastically thanking everyone for the engagement.

"She definitely peaked in hs and is reliving being popular and 16 again," someone wrote in the comment section.

But she ended up sharing her son's private messages, which gave some backstory on the family. He called his mom his hero, and he said he was simply giving her a hug after the game and he picked her up.

"My moms been the only person there for me my whole life. I grew up with an alcoholic dad who would just come and go when he wanted [sic]," he wrote. His father never showed up to any of his games, and he actually ended up committing suicide two years ago. That's why he changed his number to 44 because 4/4/21 was the date of his father's death. Apparently, this was the first time his mother saw him wear the jersey, so she was "very emotional" about it.

However, people in the comment section still didn't believe that these messages were from her son without some kind of guidance or influence from his mom. Others said that she explicitly said in other places online that her son loves having a "hot mom."

Boy Moms Have a Reputation for Having a Hard Time Letting Go of Their Sons

Regardless of what the situation is at home for this mother and her son, the clip has sparked an important conversation about how moms can potentially get wires crossed when they're raising sons. A writer on social media named Robyn shared a meme she saw online in which a mom described raising her son as the "longest breakup of your life."

"Do we need a public service campaign explaining to boy moms that they aren’t in fact dating their sons or …??????" Robyn wrote on X.

"You know if you don’t smother the life out of your son and make him responsible for your emotional stability, he may not push you away when he’s a teenager so aggressively it feels like you’ve lost him," Robyn, mother to a son and daughter, continued. "Healthy attachment needs grow and evolve between a mother and son over time, and as long as the mother isn’t making her relationship with her son the primary source of her identity and value it shouldn’t be that big of a deal [sic]."

She said teenage boys need space from their mothers "so they can become men." Her plan is to let her son go for a "summer adventure" with his grandparents in Europe or the U.S. so he can "truly nurture his independence by giving him opportunities to be in the world standing on his own two feet without me."

Nobody is actually claiming that Lund has bad intentions with her son, and everyone feels sympathy for the difficult situation and grief they've endured, but perhaps there needs to be a healthy distance between her and her son in order for him to grow up and feel more independent as a young man. At the very least, let the boy enjoy his football games without interjecting with a photo shoot.

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