How To Know If He's Husband Material
Maneuvering the modern dating world can be complicated, what with ever-changing societal standards, having to decipher cryptic texts, and making sure to play hard to get. Living by these rules is hard enough—but finding a good man through all of it? Even harder.

Trying to keep up with the constantly-changing rules of dating can cloud our minds, making it easy to forget why we even date in the first place: to find a lifelong partner. And due to our culture’s constant loneliness, need for validation, and lack of patience, it’s even easier to forget what a lifelong partner should look like. Which qualities should really matter in the end? Does your guy have them?
Here are seven signs the guy you’re dating might be husband material:
He Doesn’t Play Games
We’re all too familiar with the guy who takes five hours to text back, is apathetic, and shies away from labels. At times, it seems like expecting more is just asking for too much. But a man who’s mature, thoughtful, and sincere won’t pull these moves. He will show respect for our time and our feelings because he has grown past the need for games. Refusing to live by childish dating rules shows that he has an immense amount of consideration for others and confidence in himself.
He will show respect for our time and our feelings because he has grown past the need for games.
He Has a Vision for his Life
Far too often, we waste time dating men without direction or a vision for their life. It could be because it’s easier, especially when we ourselves haven’t developed a vision, or we want to believe he’ll grow up soon enough. But is that really what we want?
When a man lives with beliefs and is pursuing a specific path, he’s bound to find much more satisfaction in life than his fellow men living without these things. Living with purpose is indicative of a guy who values life too much to waste it.
Far too often, we waste time dating men without direction or a vision for their life.
He Reminds You of Your Value
Many of us have gotten tangled up with a guy who treats us like his second choice and hardly makes time for us. He's more concerned with his own convenience. I’m pretty sure I’m stating the obvious when I say we deserve better than that.
It is essential for our partner to know our value and treat us accordingly - and that means spending quality time together, showering you with love, and having your best interests at heart. When he’s committed to encouraging you to remember your own intrinsic value, that’s when you know you’ve got a keeper on our hands.
When he’s committed to encouraging you to remember your own intrinsic value, that’s when you know you’ve got a keeper on our hands.
He Has Interests That Align with Yours
Ever go on a date where you’ve run out of things to talk about before the server even puts the breadbasket down? Well, here’s the thing. While there’s a lot of truth to the “opposites attract” idea, it’s torture when it goes too far.
It’s necessary for the survival of our relationship that we share common loves, whether it be for history, cooking, or psychology. Sharing passions with your partner breeds a close friendship, which is a crucial element of a successful partnership.
While there’s a lot of truth to the 'opposites attract' idea, it’s torture when it goes too far.
He Wants To Be Better
It's pretty common to meet a man who refuses to admit his shortcomings or insists he knows everything there is to know. He wouldn’t be caught dead going to therapy. But is this indicative of a healthy person? I think not. Given our generation’s growing faith in self-improvement and counseling, it’s becoming more relevant for us to focus on personal growth. A guy who strives every day to be a better man suggests that he is healthy, mindful, and humble - three qualities that are most definitely worth noting.
A guy who strives every day to be a better man suggests that he is healthy, mindful, and humble.
He Challenges You
Dating someone who places us on a pedestal, believes we do no wrong, and practically worships us is a confidence-booster for a while, but being treated like a saint by someone who’s supposed to be our equal is a recipe for disaster.
Instead, a man who challenges us to become more intelligent, emotionally healthy, and prosperous is a far more loving partner than a man who doesn’t inspire us to grow. Two people who join forces to commit to personal progress are the very definition of a power couple.
Two people who join forces to commit to personal progress are the very definition of a power couple.
He’s Not Afraid To Say I Love You
Too many men today are reticent to share their thoughts and feelings out loud, thinking it unmasculine to do so. They’re often taught to bury their emotions, leaving us feeling as though we’re dating a robot. However, the men I regard as truly masculine are the ones whose identity as a man isn’t threatened by being in touch with his emotions. He can freely express his love and any other feeling he cares to.
Closing Thoughts
Dating to marry can be daunting, especially with the constant dynamic shifts of our modern dating world. But as we search for Mr. Right, the most important thing to remember is that a man who demonstrates the commendable qualities on this list is truly husband material.