Disturbing Trends: Incest Becoming Most Popular Porn Category For Millennials
The demand for pornography videos that depict incest has grown 1,000% since 2011 and makes up 10% of titles purchased by Millennials since 2015.

The fauxcest genre saw a 178% spike in consumption over 2014 alone, reports Vice News, and viewers are increasingly demanding more depictions of rape and sex between blood relatives.
From Vice:
As its popularity's grown, the character of fauxcest has changed. In the past, studios producing fauxcest filmed it with disclaimers that the content was not real and made pains to show that the fake relations were just step-whatevers. Now, some distributors take pains to make relations seem real and direct — and the disclaimers they do present usually get chopped off when their videos are published on tube sites.
The scenes have also shifted, Fires and her husband, Jack Kona, a porn producer since 2001, both say, from campy and light to grim and rapey. Fires has received scripts asking her to do things like cry as she seduces and sleeps with her stepdaughter at her father's funeral. The studio Primal Fetish has an entire line of videos in which brothers repeatedly coerce their sisters into sex, replete with sneers of disgust and pained whimpers.
Simultaneously, there has also been an 86% rise in child porn hidden by operators through apparently legal commercial adult pornography websites, reports The Guardian.
Simultaneously, there has also been an 86% rise in child porn hidden by operators through apparently legal commercial adult pornography websites.
An investigation by the Internet Watch Foundation found that site operators hide the illegal content by using a shortened URL that directs the viewer to the child abuse content. The vast majority of the disguised sites were deliberately operated by the website owner. This leads to an increased risk that people who are searching for legal adult pornography will accidentally view child abuse images content via the disguised sites.
57% of the victims were assessed to be aged 10 or younger, including 2% believed to be aged two or under, according to the report, and a third of the images were in category A, the most serious, meaning they involved the rape or sexual torture of children.
There is no way to tell if adult pornography came about through coercion, but there is strong evidence to suggest that a significant percentage of it has been made without consent. Four and a half million trafficked persons are sexually exploited, and nearly half of sex trafficking victims report they were forced to make pornography while they were in bondage.
What Effects Do These Disturbing Trends Have on Our Society, and What Do They Say About our Culture?
The dramatic rise in the popularity of pornography depicting incest could be due to Game of Thrones, a popular HBO show that depicts sex between a brother and a sister, suggests Vice.
The dramatic rise in the popularity of pornography depicting incest could be due to Game of Thrones, a popular HBO show that depicts sex between a brother and a sister.
It's hard to say what exactly is driving these trends, but there is reason to be concerned about their implication for our society. While some pornography users are not violent, data has shown that some will act out what they are viewing in the real world, and that there is a link between pornography use and domestic violence.
According to data from Australia, a crisis in domestic violence is being driven by abusers who are frequent consumers of pornography, which often depicts choking, rape, and other violent and degrading behaviors. Domestic violence there has reached epidemic proportions, according to the Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence.
They have received a 56% increase in referrals from the emergency room for cases of sexual violence. Disturbingly, in cases where the woman had a relationship with the man, and she knew his habits, the victim frequently reports that he is a regular pornography user.
A crisis in domestic violence is being driven by abusers who are frequent consumers of pornography.
“These levels of physical and sexual violence are bordering on and including behavior that would meet the criminal code definition of torture,” Centre director McLeod told the Problem with Porn conference at Southport. “What used to be an uncommon story is now very much an everyday story involving women of varied ages and diverse backgrounds...what research is finding and what we see at our center is that pornography is clearly influencing sexual expectations and practices between intimate partners, so that the correlation between pornography, rape, and domestic violence can no longer be ignored."
Closing Thoughts
"Abusers seem to be even bigger users of pornography than other men are," said domestic violence expert and author of Why Does He Do That? Lundy Bancroft. "And pornography, like any addiction, tends to lead to more and more extreme behaviors in pursuit of elusive satisfaction. Pornography conditions its users into a lot of degrading and demeaning practices."