Did Tinkerbell “Dot The I” In Disney's Logo? Mandela Effect Sparks Debate
Some Disney superfans are debating whether Tinkerbell ever dotted the "i" in the Disney logo. Could this be another example of the Mandela Effect? Or is it just a false memory?

People insist that Jif peanut butter was actually called "Jiffy," that Curious George never had a tail, and that the Monopoly Man once sported a monocle. It's not just a small group of individuals who recall these little details – tens of thousands of people seem to recall the same thing (including me).
As you probably know, this phenomenon has been dubbed the "Mandela Effect." The term was coined after former South African president Nelson Mandela because people remember him dying in prison in the 1980s, despite the fact that he passed away in 2013.
The latest discourse surrounding the Mandela Effect concerns whether Tinkerbell ever dotted the letter "i" in Disney on a blue background. TikTok users began to question their memories when people shared their recollections of old Disney tapes. Some fans argue that the memory never happened. “Fake. Based on everything that we know, this never actually happened," someone commented. "Disney did not release a video intro where Tinkerbell ‘dots the I’ on the word Disney. Instead, people are likely combining several memories into one.”
Yet another argued, “I remember this intro from around 25yrs ago. It was on all the Disney VIDEOS not CD or Blu-ray...VIDEOS.”
The conversation continued to spread across social media platforms, including X/Twitter, with @HazelAppleyard_ writing, "Erm this definitely happened and no one can convince me otherwise."
A video from 1989 reveals that Tink did indeed dot the I. "For everyone that's been looking for the Disney opening where Tinkerbell dots the 'i'... It wasn't a Mandela effect. It happened. Circa 1989," wrote @willmcellen along with the video evidence. However, what people are claiming to remember is Tink with the blue background and white Disney castle.
In a Disboards forum, someone suggested that people might be confusing their memories with an old video where Tinkerbell flew over the Disney castle, leaving behind explosive fairy dust.
Maybe our timelines are all messed up. I, too, distinctly remember Chick-fil-A being spelled without the letter "k." Or perhaps there's a more logical explanation. According to Michael E. W. Varnum, Ph. D., "Our memory for small details tends not to be great. And it gets worse as time goes by. We rely on schemas to organize our experiences and understanding of the world and often use familiarity to indicate accuracy. We also can conflate pieces of knowledge and different experiences, creating plausible, yet inaccurate collages like Kazaam the movie."
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