
Britney Spears Shares Harrowing Details About How She Was Treated By Her Family And Says It "All Felt Like A Cult"

Pop princess Britney Spears recently started a brand new life in which she is no longer under a conservatorship. She was legally under the care of her father for 13 years.

By Gina Florio1 min read
Britney Spears shutterstock_1067886647
Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Since she was released from the conservatorship, Britney has been more vocal than ever on her Instagram. She often shares photos and videos of her day-to-day life and has been recently opening up more about what she experienced as one of the biggest pop stars in Hollywood.

Britney Spears Says It "Felt Like a Cult" To Be Under the Conservatorship

Throughout the years we may have seen a wildly successful singer and performer who gained worldwide recognition, but the more Britney speaks about her experiences over the last couple of decades, the clearer it becomes that she was mistreated and exploited.

Britney unleashed some raw thoughts on her Instagram yet again, this time sharing details of what it was like to be under her family's care. She starts off by saying that she "never felt heard ever" and no matter what she said, she was never taken seriously. In fact, she says she "was indeed treated less than."

"As I got older the head powers in my conservatorship were literally unbelievable," she wrote. "Yes the security, the management and mainly my father who was NEVER AVAILABLE all felt like a CULT!!!" Thinking back on everything makes her "see now the greed and envy of men and the damage people of power can do."

Britney went on to say that she's here to "remind people what NOT TO DO like my family did to me so we can be better people for the next generation."

She recalls a time when three childhood friends came to see her in Las Vegas when she was "working and performing" at night. They all went to a spa but she "wasn't allowed to go" so she "sat outside and waited" for an hour while they got their nails done. They drank an entire bottle of champagne while she just sat outside waiting. "Not only did they not even LOOK MY WAY OR ACKNOWLEDGE me or show any concern," she recalled. "They drank the whole bottle."

Britney is not going to stay quiet anymore about her story, even if it makes people uncomfortable. She confirmed that she is "writing a book," and it's "actually healing and therapeutic" even though it's bringing up a lot of painful memories of her past. She's not usually one for uncomfortable conversations, but she knows it's important to talk about these things now.