78 Vintage Baby Names That Are Making A Comeback In 2024
There's a reason why trends almost always circle back to the classics. Maybe that's why these once-forgotten names are back in fashion.

Vintage baby names are making a remarkable comeback as more parents opt for names with timeless appeal.
Whether inspired by literary heroes, nature's beauty, or world history, these 78 baby names seem to resonate across the generations.
Ada - Meaning "noble," Ada has enduring charm.
Adaline - Adaline is another cute choice that also means "noble."
Alice - Derived from Germanic roots meaning "kind," this whimsical choice draws to mind Alice in Wonderland.
Beatrice - Derived from Latin, this one means "she who brings happiness."
Charlotte - French feminine diminutive of Charles, Charlotte means "petite."
Clara - Latin for "bright" or "clear," Clara's appeal still shines bright.
Cora - Meaning "maiden," Cora's revival is marked by its sweet simplicity.
Coraline - A great choice if you like Cora but want more options.
Daisy - Named after the flower, Daisy symbolizes innocence and purity.
Dorothy - Derived from Greek, Dorothy means "gift of God."
Edith - Meaning "prosperous in war," Edith is a strong choice.
Eleanor - Of Old French origin, meaning "bright" or "shining one."
Esther - Of Persian origin, meaning "star." Esther also brings to mind the great biblical heroine.
Evelyn - From the French name Aveline, meaning "desired."
Felicity - Latin for "happiness" or "good fortune."
Florence - From Latin Florentius, meaning "flourishing" or "prosperous."
Genevieve - Of Celtic origin, meaning "woman of the race."
Hazel - Named after the hazel tree or the color hazel, this name embodies natural beauty.
Ivy - A symbol of fidelity and friendship, Ivy is stylish and nature-inspired.
Josephine - The feminine form of Joseph, meaning "God will increase."
June - Derived from the month name, which is from the Roman goddess Juno.
Lillian - Derived from the flower Lily, Lillian symbolizes purity and beauty.
Louisa - The feminine form of Louis, meaning "renowned warrior."
Lucille - Of Latin origin, meaning "light."
Mabel - Meaning "lovable" or "dear," Mabel has an old-fashioned allure.
Maeve - Of Irish origin, meaning "she who intoxicates."
Margaret - From Greek origin, meaning "pearl."
Matilda - Of German origin, meaning "battle-mighty," Matilda's charm is gaining popularity.
Millie - Diminutive of Mildred, meaning "gentle strength."
Miriam - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "wished-for child."
Nora - A diminutive of Eleanor, meaning "light" or "honor," Nora is simple yet profound.
Olive - Symbolizing peace and fruitfulness, Olive's charm is rooted in its vintage appeal.
Pearl - A gemstone name, Pearl signifies purity, wisdom, and beauty.
Penelope - Of Greek origin, meaning "weaver."
Rose - Named after the flower, Rose symbolizes love and beauty.
Rosemary - Derived from the Latin ros marinus, meaning "dew of the sea."
Ruby - Named after the precious red gemstone, Ruby conveys passion and vibrancy.
Scarlett - Derived from the color name, representing beauty and boldness.
Stella - Latin for "star," Stella's vintage charm continues to shine.
Violet - Inspired by the flower, Violet represents humility and faithfulness.
Vivian - Derived from Latin, meaning "alive" or "living."
Alfred - Of Old English origin, meaning "elf counsel," which brings to mind Lord of the Rings.
Archie - Diminutive of Archibald, meaning "genuine" or "bold," Archie's quirky charm is gaining popularity. Probably thanks to the comic books, too!
Arthur - Of Celtic origin, meaning "bear" or "stone," Arthur gives regal vibes.
Atticus - Latinized form of Greek Attikos, meaning "from Attica," Atticus carries literary and historical weight.
August - From Latin Augustus, meaning "great" or "venerable."
Cyril - Derived from the Greek Kyros, meaning "lord" or "master."
Douglas - Scottish surname derived from Gaelic elements meaning "dark water."
Edgar - An Old English name meaning "wealthy spearman."
Emerson - Of Old English origin, meaning "son of Emery."
Eugene - Of Greek origin, meaning "well-born" or "noble."
Everett - Of Old English origin, meaning "brave" and "strong."
Ezra - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "helper."
Felix - Latin for "happy" and growing wildly in popularity.
Franklin - From Middle English frankelin, meaning "free man" or "landholder," Franklin has a presidential ring to it.
Grant - Of Old English origin, meaning "large" or "great."
Harold - Of Old English origin, meaning "army ruler."
Harvey - From Old Breton name Huiarnviu, meaning "battle-worthy" or "blazing iron," Harvey has manly appeal.
Henry - Germanic name meaning "home-ruler," Henry remains a classic choice.
Howard - Of Old English origin, meaning "high guardian" or "brave heart."
Hugo - From Germanic elements meaning "heart" or "mind."
Isaac - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "laughter."
Jasper - Persian name meaning "treasurer."
Leo - Latin for "lion," Leo symbolizes courage and strength.
Leonard - Germanic name meaning "brave lion."
Linus - Greek name meaning "flaxen."
Montgomery - Old French surname derived from Gomeri, meaning "Gomer's hill," and you could call him Monty for short.
Nathaniel - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "gift of God."
Otis - Of German origin, meaning "wealth" and "prosperity."
Otto - Germanic name meaning "wealth" or "fortune."
Paul - Latin origin, meaning "small" and "humble."
Percy - From Old French Perci, meaning "pierced valley."
Raymond - Germanic name meaning "wise protector."
Rupert - Germanic name meaning "bright fame."
Silas - Of Latin origin, possibly meaning "forest" or "wood," Silas is gaining popularity fast.
Theodore - Greek name meaning "gift of God."
Walter - Germanic name meaning "ruler of the army."
Winston - From Old English elements meaning "joy stone," Winston's regal history remains strong.
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