What Is Going On? 57 People From Bill And Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle Have Died In Strange Circumstances In The Last 30 Years
A lot of things probably come to mind when you think of former president and secretary of state (and staples of the Democratic National Convention and the Democratic party) Bill and Hillary Clinton.

For many, it’s Ryan Murphy’s Impeachment: American Crime Story which aired eight months ago on FX (and was a long-awaited disappointment, speaking for myself). For others, it’s emails, Benghazi, failed presidential campaigns, or Jeffrey Epstein. But is it possible that beneath a veneer of power and influence amassed over decades there’s something more sinister at work?
You can find it entrenched on obscure online forums and threads, and even on Twitter. To some, it’s a macabre joke, to others a conspiracy theory desperately forged by the right-wing, and for many, it’s the gospel truth. Whichever way you slice it though, eventually we’ll have to ask ourselves what exactly is going on…because 57 people from Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “inner circle” have died in exceedingly strange circumstances in the last 30 years.
Where It Began
The Clintons have been a bulwark of Democratic politics since the late 1970s, when Bill was attorney general of Arkansas, later governor, and then elected the 42nd president. As most of us know, Hillary was previously a senator for the state of New York, former first lady, secretary of state, and candidate for president in 2016. Neither of their careers has been without scandal, though – Bill’s infamous sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky and sexual assault allegations levied against him by Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick eventually led to his impeachment in 1998, after he was found guilty by the House of obstruction of justice and lying under oath.
The early to mid-1990s is where accusations and investigations against the Clintons and the mysterious deaths of their well-connected associates really began, and most of it originated with The Clinton Chronicles, a documentary released in 1994 and produced by an organization out of California called Citizens for an Honest Government. The documentary, which was heavily promoted by political commentator Larry Nichols and Rev. Jerry Falwell, only distributed around 300,000 copies.
"The Clinton Chronicles" first suggested the Clintons’ association with the odd deaths of individuals in their inner circle.
Though it has since been labeled a “conspiracy theory” and even “anti-Clinton propaganda,” The Clinton Chronicles, which specifically lobbied allegations of gross criminal behavior against Bill like sexual assault, drug running and money laundering, was really the first source to openly introduce the concept of the Clintons’ possible association with the odd or unexplained deaths of individuals within their inner circle. The documentary specifically covered the apparent suicide of White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster, who grew up across the street from Bill in Little Rock and shot himself in a park in 1993 (though his fingerprints were never found on the weapon, which detractors have long pointed to as evidence of outside involvement).
The Clinton List
Sometimes called the Clinton List or the Clinton Body Count, a quick search online (depending on your browser, of course) yields a whole host of pretty intriguing results. Though Vince Foster and Clinton fundraising guru Ed Willey were likely the first suicides the List took notice of, they weren’t the last. Additionally, disgraced financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s less-than-credible suicide is probably the most famous one to be associated with the Clintons, but it certainly isn’t the only one.
Forbidden History on Twitter summarizes the Body Count succinctly: of the 57 people on the List, “15 of them committed suicide, eight died in car and plane crashes, and 14 were killed under mysterious circumstances.” A post on the Reddit thread r/conspiracy dives into the List more in-depth, specifically in naming almost 50 individuals, their connections to the Clintons, and their cause of death. As part of the pair’s inner circle the majority of them had potentially damning information to share, and even those who didn’t plan to come forward and share their inside knowledge were part of Clinton’s attorney general, gubernatorial, or presidential administration, or connected intimately with those who were.
For example, of the 57 names, 11 men were all former Clinton bodyguards. Another, John Ashe (former head of the UN General Assembly), died from a crushed windpipe while lifting weights at home. One man, James Milan, was decapitated – though “the Coroner ruled his death was due to ‘natural causes.’” Another young woman, who was murdered at a Starbucks in Georgetown, was a former White House intern who was allegedly going to release her accounts of sexual harassment during her time in the White House before she was killed.
Of the 57 names, 11 men were all former Clinton bodyguards.
Ron Brown – a former DNC chairman – was said to have died in a plane crash, yet injuries found on his skull were consistent with gunshot wounds. (Brown was being investigated at the time and allegedly willing to make a deal with prosecutors.) Jerry Parks, former head of the couple’s security team in Arkansas, was allegedly compiling a dossier of information on the Clintons when he was shot at an intersection in Little Rock. Others, including James McDougal, James Wilson, and Jon Parnell Walker, all had ties to the Whitewater real estate scandal.
Coincidence or Not?
The List obviously has its proponents, but it isn’t without its detractors. The fact-checking site Snopes, once the go-to for finding out what was fact or fiction in our culture, unsurprisingly denounces the theory as something that’s only held by right-wing nut jobs. (It should be noted though that Snopes isn’t without its shadiness either, far from it in fact).
The main thesis behind disapproving the existence of such a connection between the Clintons and the demise of so, so many individuals who were connected to them and potentially threatened their status seems to be that it would be downright impossible to get away with this kind of crime, and no one is above the law, etc.
But look at the state of things as they stand right now in our country. The justice system has been given the responsibility of uncovering the individual behind the Supreme Court draft opinion leak, yet they're more invested in delving into Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. Pfizer data, which they wanted to keep concealed for an additional 75 years, has been released and raises more questions than answers – yet it’s unlikely anyone culpable for the last two years of madness will ever be charged with anything.
Closing Thoughts
Is there anything in our society that holds individuals truly accountable for their offenses regardless of their status? It’s hard to say. But returning to our initial topic – are all these names on the list a coincidence, or not? If not, is it really so ludicrous to suggest that our society will never hold the powerful and influential answerable for their crimes?
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