
5 Books That Will Guide You To Emotional Health

Take this new decade by storm by taking the time to invest in yourself.

By Keelia Clarkson2 min read
Shutterstock/Andrii Kobryn

With a new year inevitably comes new resolutions. Most often, they revolve around the physical and the material (eating better, going to the gym, getting a better job, etc.), but sometimes the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to pay attention to and nurture our interior. In an image-driven society, we can overlook the most vital parts of ourselves: our hearts, souls, and minds.

For years, self-help books have been seen as something only the pathetic would waste their time with. But with the increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and dysfunction, it has become abundantly clear just how important dealing with our issues and finding mental and emotional health really is.

One of the best ways we can help ourselves is by devoting time and energy to increase our self-knowledge. This, combined with using tools and practices to deal with our past and own our present, will produce hope for our future.

Here are some of my favorite books that will undoubtedly offer you a font of wisdom on your quest for self-betterment:

Boundaries, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Far too often, we find ourselves putting the needs and desires of others before our own, which may harm us in the long run. In this life-changing book, respected psychologists Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend discuss the importance of performing the difficult yet necessary act of drawing boundaries—asking and answering the tough question, “Can I set limits and still be a loving person?” Turns out, it’s not self-serving to know and respect your limits—it’s necessary.

Available on Amazon.

It’s not self-serving to know and respect your limits—it’s necessary.

She’s Still There: Rescuing the Girl in You, by Chrystal Evans Hurst

As young women striving to find ourselves in an isolated, competitive, and harsh culture, it’s easy to feel lost, alone, and discouraged. In this book written by a woman for women, Chrystal Evans Hurst needs you to understand: You’re not alone. In fact, she found herself in the exact same vicious cycle as so many of us do. Written with a wonderfully authentic voice, Hurst openly details the hardships of her own life, allowing us to feel less alone in ours, while offering us wisdom to move forward with hope.

Available on Amazon.

The Gifts of Imperfection, by Dr. Brené Brown

In a world weighed down by disapproval, self-condemnation, and jealousy, it’s no wonder why we’re starved for love and affirmation. As human as it is to search for that from others, the first and most effective place to find it should be from ourselves. With a career built on writing and speaking about vulnerability, shame, and empathy, Dr. Brown writes with a beautiful sincerity about how our imperfections can be a conduit to health, not a hindrance.

Available on Amazon.

Our imperfections can be a conduit to health, not a hindrance.

Self-Compassion, by Dr. Kristen Neff

With just a quick scroll through any social media app, it’s evident how highly our society values self-confidence. But behind our digital masks often lies the very human experience of self-loathing, self-doubt, and the inability to forgive ourselves for being less-than. Dr. Kristen Neff emphasizes the importance of having compassion for ourselves in our imperfect pursuit of health. She bases her message in her own psychological research on the importance of self-compassion in areas such as mental health, addiction recovery, and healing from past trauma.

Available on Amazon.

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, by Donald Miller

Through his rich, honest, and remarkable storytelling abilities, Donald Miller shares some pretty personal insights with us. By taking the reader on a journey of self-discovery through his humility, wit, and raw experiences, Miller shows us the importance of getting to the root of and dealing with the demons of our past, so we can find freedom for our future.

Available on Amazon.

Deal with the demons of our past, so we can find freedom for our future.

Closing Thoughts

In our pursuit of healthier minds and emotional lives, I hope these books can offer you as much wisdom and hope as they’ve offered me and so many others. This is an important journey to take, and every piece of valuable insight we can get is worth the time invested in getting it.